GPM Mentorship Program - Educator Track
The GPM Mentorship Program – Educator Track is engaging with teachers and educators from kindergarten to high-school, providing them with resources to teach their students about the GPM mission, Earth’s water cycle, weather and climate, and other related topics. To aid this, the GPM Outreach Team has developed a variety of educational resources in multiple languages.
Program Details
In 2023 NASA’s Global Precipitation Measurement Mission (GPM) Mentorship Program hosted a spin-off program dedicated to teachers and educators. This pilot effort connected a GPM expert with Italian middle- and high-school teachers to teach them about the water cycle, climate change and precipitation through the lens of the GPM mission.
Given the success of the first year, for the 2023-2024 school year the program has been extended to every grade,from kindergarten to high school, involving students from 5 to 18 years old. The focus of the project is to provide knowledge and tools to teachers so they can share GPM-related resources and scientific information with their students. After three lectures, the teachers aided by the GPM expert will develop a multidisciplinary project with the students focused on precipitation. Classroom discussions on precipitation trends and changes will lead to climate change awareness and help link this project to other school programs on sustainability.
The program is in constant development and is looking to expand into other countries, including Türkiye, to develop educational material in different languages. The goal is to reduce language barriers and make Earth observation data more accessible for students around the world.