Featured Resources & Programs

Launch of the GPM Core Observatory


The GPM Core Observatory launched on Feb. 27, 2014. We will celebrate GPM’s ten-year anniversary throughout 2024 with special events and opportunities. Please join us as we share how this international constellation has improved life around the globe.

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NASA food campaign banner


NASA’s Earth observations have a significant impact on the food we eat and drink. The NASA At Your Table campaign during the summer of 2021 helped to create awareness of the many ways in which these data are being used by a variety of stakeholders.

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Farmers in a field in Pakistan using GPM data on their phone.


This collection of resources explores some of the people using GPM and other NASA Earth data, and how they help improve life around the world.

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IMERG global map


This collection of resources helps teach how to access and use GPM precipitation data, and how and why researchers measure precipitation from space.

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Students working with Rain gauges


Here you will find a variety of resources to assist you in making a visit to a local school, day care center, or after school group. Make a difference in the lives of young people by sharing what you do and the excitement of learning about GPM and Earth.

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My NASA Data Activities & Lesson Plans


The My NASA Data website provides a user-friendly interface to visualize and analyze NASA Earth-observing datasets, along with NGSS-aligned lesson plans, activities and other resources that connect NASA data to Earth System Science phenomena.

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The GLOBE Program logo


The GLOBE Program has a precipitation protocol that enables students, teachers, and scientists to use rain gauge and/or automated weather stations to collect precipitation measurements from locations around the world.

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GPM Earth SySTEM Ambassadors


GPM has a fabulous cadre of Earth SySTEM Ambassadors, both past and present, who work hard to help us share the excitement and wonder of NASA’s Earth Science missions with their students, their peers, and their communities!

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Join us for a free series of webinars exploring the Global Precipitation Measurement mission's role in studying Earth's water cycle, watersheds, and weather.


Join us for a free series of webinars exploring the Global Precipitation Measurement mission's role in studying Earth's water cycle, watersheds, and weather.

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The Olympic Mountain Experiment, or OLYMPEX, is a NASA-led field campaign, which will take place on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State from November 2015 through February 2016. The goal of the campaign is to collect detailed atmospheric measurements that will be used to evaluate how well rain-observing satellites measure rainfall and snowfall from space. In particular, OLYMPEX will be assessing satellite measurements made by the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission Core Observatory, a joint


The Olympic Mountain Experiment, or OLYMPEX, is a NASA-led field campaign, which will take place on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State from November 2015 through February 2016. The goal is to collect detailed atmospheric measurements...

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Earth to Sky logo


Earth to Sky is a partnership between NASA, the National Park Service (NPS), and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) that brings NASA science, teaching and learning into the national parks.

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Rain EnGAUGE Banner


Celebrate the launch of the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission by hosting a GPM Rain EnGAUGE Event - a family science night at your school, outdoor education center, library or museum.

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NASA and JAXA leaders shaking hands at the DPR sign-off event.


Learn about the exciting and diverse team that studies precipitation at NASA. Watch interviews with scientists and engineers to get a face-to-face perspective on careers in science and technology.

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CoCoRaHS Data example


The citizen science non- profit group Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network (CoCoRaHS) involves the public in collecting local precipitation to share on the CoCoRaHS interactive network.

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The Goddard Visitor center


NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Visitor Center in Greenbelt, Md., will host this month's Sunday Experiment on January 19 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. EST. It's a free afternoon for elementary school-aged children and their families.

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GPM "Unique Perspectives" Photo and Video Contest


GPM wants to see your photos and videos of precipitation from unique perspectives! If selected, your work could be featured on NASA websites.

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NASA invites you to participate in the first ever: SMAP (Soil Moisture Ac6ve Passive) and GPM (Global Precipita6on Measurement) Missions Joint Workshop for middle school science teachers.

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GPM Anime Challenge


UPDATE: The GPM Anime Challenge is now closed for submissions. Artists around the world are invited to submit sketches and profiles for a GPM anime character. Applicants must incorporate aspects of GPM’s science and engineering themes.

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