GPM flying over Earth with a data swath visualized.

2019 PMM Science Team

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Science Mission Directorate, Earth Science Division has selected new projects from the 2018 Precipitation Measurement Missions (PMM) Science Team focus area solicitation. PMM projects focus on investigations related to satellite observations of precipitation using measurements from, but not limited to, the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Core Observatory, GPM mission constellation partner spacecraft, and the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM). Specifically the PMM program supports three types of investigations: (1) The continued enhancement and validation of GPM and TRMM retrieval algorithms; (2) The use of satellite and ground measurements for physical process studies to gain a better understanding of precipitation, the global water cycle, climate, weather, and/or concomitant improvements in numerical models from cloud resolving to climate scales; and (3) The development of methodologies for improved hydrological modeling and applications of these satellite measurements. 
NASA received a total of 130 proposals and has selected 40 for funding. The total funding from NASA anticipated for these investigations is approximately $15.6 million over three years. The selected investigations are listed below, including Principal Investigator, institution, title, and abstract. Co-Investigators are not listed here. Please note that eight other PIs from the 2016 PMM call have been approved to continue their activities through the NASA Center Internally Funded Scientist Model (IFSM) Work Packages as listed at

Last Name First Name Affiliation Proposal Title
Adams Ian Goddard Space Flight Center Scattering Assessment for Precipitating Particles (SAPP): Evaluating and Characterizing Hydrometeor Habit and Scattering Models 
Barros Ana Duke University Microphysics, Vertical Structure and Scaling of Orographic Precipitation Across the Global Tropics 
Berg Wesley Colorado State University Enhancing Consistency and Quantifying Precipitation Uncertainties for an Evolving Radiometer Constellation 
Chandrasekar Chandra V. Colorado State University GPM Global Observations and Precipitation Microphysics: Algorithm Support, Enhancement, Cross Validation, and Application
Del Genio Anthony NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Analyses of Organized Convective System Sizes, Durations and Diabatic Heating Profiles to Inform GCM Development 
Durden Stephen Jet Propulsion Laboratory DPR Retrievals over Land – Validation and Improvement
Fenni Ines University of California, Los Angeles Efficient and Accurate Calculation of Single-Scattering Properties of Realistic Hydrometeors for Better Interpretation of Microwave Observations 
Foufoula-Georgiou Efi University of California, Irvine Improving GPM Passive Microwave Retrieval and Multi-Sensor Merging: a Nonlocal Formulation Accounting for the 3D Structure of Rain 
Funk Chris University of California, Santa Barbara  Ag Out – An Enhanced IMERG-based Agricultural Outlook System to Support Food Security and Agriculture in the Developing World 
Gebremichael Mekonnen  University of California, Los Angeles  Improved Application of GPM IMERG Rainfall for Maximizing Power Generation in East Africa 
Grecu Mircea  Morgan State University Improved Detection and Quantification of Precipitation by the TRMM/GPM Combined Algorithm
Heymsfield Gerald NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Organizational and Structural Characterization of Precipitating System in Cold and Warm Regimes over Orographic Regions Using Observations and Models 
Kidd Christopher University of Maryland, College Park Advancing Precipitation Retrievals from Cross-Track Passive Microwave Sensors 
Kim Min-Jeong Morgan State University Satellite Data Assimilated 4D Global Precipitation Products from the GEOS System in Support of the GPM Mission 
Kirschbaum Dalia NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Characterizing and Communicating Global IMERG Error Estimates for End User Applications 
Kirstetter Pierre-Emmanuel University of Oklahoma, Norman Bridging the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Level II and Level III precipitation Using Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor-GPM (MRMS-GPM) 
Kulie Mark University of Wisconsin, Madison GPM Snowfall Retrieval Improvements:  A Multifaceted Approach Using New Algorithm Components and Ground-Based Observations
Kummerow Christian Colorado State University Understanding GMI Observations in Orographic Precipitation  Rain and Snow 
Li Xiaowen Morgan State University  Active Convective Cores and Their Organization Observed by GPM Satellite and Applications to Improving Cloud-Resolving Simulations 
Liao Liang  University of Maryland Baltimore County Studies on Single- and Dual-Wavelength DPR Retrievals: Algorithm Development, Evaluation and Validation 
Liu Chuntao  Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi  Toward Monitoring Global Intense Convection Using Assive Microwave Satellite Observations
Liu Guosheng  Florida State University  Improving Algorithm Components Related to Ice and Snow for GPM Precipitation Retrievals 
Mace Gerald University of Utah, Salt Lake City Surface-Observed Precipitation over the Southern Ocean from the RV Investigator:  Evaluation of Processes and Comparison with GPM 
Martin Elinor  University of Oklahoma, Norman Analysis of TRMM-GPM Observations to Improve Process-Level Understanding and Modeling of Precipitation and Latent Heating in Tropical Easterly Waves 
Matsui Toshihisa  University of Maryland, College Park  Systematic Storm-Scale Simulations and Observations from the  NASA Wallops Precipitation Research Facility 
McPartland Linette  Goddard Space Flight Center  Using GPM in an Optimal Estimation Lagrangian Framework (OELaF) to Quantify Moisture Transport in Arctic Cyclones 
Nesbitt Stephen University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Using GPM Ground Validation Data for Improved Precipitation Retrievals of Ice and Mixed Phase Precipitation 
Oreopoulos Lazaros  Goddard Space Flight Center  Combined Analysis of GPM and MODIS Datasets to Unveil the Climatological Relationships Between Clouds and Precipitation 
Pettersen Claire  University of Wisconsin, Madison  Leveraging GPM and Ground-Based Measurements to Examine High-Latitude Extreme Precipitation
Rapp Anita  Texas A & M, College Station Towards Understanding Variability in Precipitation-Anvil Area Relationships 
Reed Kevin  State University of New York, Stony Brook  Quantifying the Link Between Organized Convection and Extreme Precipitation 
Rutledge Steven  Colorado State University  Cloud Microphysical Studies and Precipitation Estimation Using GPM 
Schumacher Courtney  Texas A & M, College Station  Analysis of Overturning Meridional Circulations Across the Tropics Using TRMM PR and GPM DPR Observations and a GCM Precipitation Radar Simulator 
Tanelli Simone  Jet Propulsion Laboratory  Experimental Solver for DPR measurements Affected by Higher-Order Effects 
Tavakoly Ahmad  University of Maryland, College Park  Enabling the U.S. Army Streamflow Prediction Tool to Utilize GPM Products in Operation 
Thompson Elizabeth  University of Washington, Seattle  Comparison of Oceanic Acoustic Rain Measurements with Downscaled IMERG Rainfall for the Study of Air-Sea Interaction
Turk Francis  Jet Propulsion Laboratory  Establishing Self-Consistency Amongst Precipitation Estimates from Constellation Radiometers to Account for Surface and Environmental Variability Throughout the TRMM+GPM Era 
Williams Christopher  University of Colorado, Boulder  Analyzing NASA Ground Validation Observations to Quantify the Impact of Precipitation Non-Uniform Beam Filling (NUBF) on Satellite Rainfall Retrieval Algorithms
Wood Norman  University of Wisconsin, Madison  Investigating Orographic Snowfall Processing over Complex Terrain on the DPR Domain 
Zhang Fuqing  Pennsylvania State University  Advanced Hurricane Analysis and Prediction Through Convection-Allowing Ensemble Assimilation of Multi-Sensor All-Sky Satellite Radiance Observations