GPM 10 Year Anniversary
Celebrate the Global Precipitation Measurement Mission's 10th Anniversary!
The NASA / JAXA GPM Core Observatory satellite launched on Feb. 27, 2014 from Tanagashima Space Center in Japan, marking the start of the Global Precipitation Measurement mission.
We will celebrate this ten-year anniversary throughout 2024 with special events and opportunities. We invite all of you to join us as we share how this international constellation has improved life around the globe.
About GPM
- The GPM Mission & Core Observatory Satellite
- GPM Applications & Societal Benefits
- IMERG - A Global Map of Earth's Rain and Snow
Activities & Resources
GPM 10-in-10 Webinar Series
Join us as we welcome many of the amazing people and organizations who have worked closely with us over the years to help us host a free series of 10 public webinars exploring GPM and the story behind the mission.
NASA’s Global Precipitation Measurement Mission: 10 years, 10 stories
From peering into hurricanes to tracking El Niño-related floods and droughts to aiding in disaster responses, the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission has had a busy decade in orbit. As the GPM mission team at NASA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) commemorates its Feb. 27, 2014 launch, here are 10 highlights from the one of the world's most advanced precipitation satellites.
GPM 10 Year Educational Resources
Check our Precipitation Education site each month in the lead-up to the anniversary to see the featured “GPM Original” resource of the month, upcoming special events, and fun facts about this mission as we gear up to our year-long celebration!
GPM Anniversary Celebration Symposium
A celebration of GPM at NASA Goddard for team members and scientists, reflecting on significant achievements of the mission. The symposium provides perspectives of engineering, scientific, and societal applications achievements obtained by the GPM Mission.
Program Agenda