Beginner Training Sessions
Overview of Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission, Data Products and Data Access Tools
Topics Covered:
- Learn about the GPM Core Observatory satellite: Orbital Configuration, Sensors (GMI, DPR) GPM Constellation Satellites
- Learn about GPM precipitation data products: Level-2 to Level-3 Data Sets from GMI, DPR and Combined GMI-DPR, IMERG Filename Conventions, Formats Spatial and Temporal Resolutions and Coverage Data Search and Access Web-tools Data Quality Potential Data Applications
Training Resources:
Introductory Webinar: Overview and Applications of Integrated Multi-Satellite Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) Long-term Precipitation Data Products
Topics Covered:
- Become familiar with the TRMM / GPM Missions, GPM data products, and GPM applications
- Understand IMERG and the strengths and caveats of the long-term IMERG data record
- Find previous training webinars related to GPM precipitation
- Learn to access, analyze, and visualize IMERG precipitation data using NASA web-tools
Training Resources:
- Agenda (.pdf)
- View a recording of the webinar (Adobe Connect)
- Download webinar slides (.pptx, 103MB)
Recent Training Sessions
(2017 - 2023)
The GPM Applications Team in collaboration with the University of Coimbra created the GPM Mentorship Program to support new users from established and underrepresented communities and provide tailored hands-on learning experiences in using GPM data for applications. The goal of the program is to provide an overview of using state-of-the-art satellite-based precipitation estimates, and to provide users their first experience of applying GPM data to support real-world problems. The 2022 initiative was the first edition of the mentorship program.
This three-part webinar series hosted by the International Precipitation Working Group (IPWG) and Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Applications Program will focus on the use of GPM data products for applications. Specifically, the participant will learn more about how to access GPM data and will be provided demonstrations on precipitation data access and analysis using NASA's Giovanni tool and Google Earth Engine.
Location & Dates: Virtual - 8, 15, 22 September 2021
Topics Covered:
- Review the TRMM / GPM Missions
- Become familiar with GPM data access and products and GPM applications
- Understand IMERG and the strengths and caveats of the long-term IMERG data record for applications
- Find previous training webinars related to GPM precipitation
- Learn to access, analyze, and visualize IMERG precipitation data using NASA Giovanni tools and Google Earth Engine
November 5, 2020
This training session from the 2020 GPM-ACCP Transport and Logistics Workshop provides an overview of NASA GPM data resources and data access followed by an exercise to highlight the use of GPM and other NASA products for decision-making within the transportation sector.
Training Resources:
- Presentation (.pptx)
- Download a recording of the GPM training session (right-click -> "Save As")
January 28, 2020. January 30, 2020. February 4, 2020.
Past ARSET trainings on water resources and flood management covered TMPA and IMERG data and their applications in detail. This advanced webinar will focus on analysis and interpretation of the new long-term IMERG data, focused on extreme dry and wet period monitoring and management. The webinar will include lectures and hands-on exercises to derive regional precipitation statistics. By the end of this training, attendees will be able to:
- Derive regional precipitation statistics (mean, standard deviation, anomalies, percentile values)
- Calculate and interpret the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) for assessing extreme dry and wet periods
Training Resources
- View the Recording »
- Presentation Slides »
- Exercise 1 »
- Part 1 Data »
- Homework 1 (Due Feb 11) »
- Q&A Transcript »
October 16, 2019
On October 16, 2019, GPM held a webinar about the new Version 6 release of the IMERG multi-satellite precipitation-estimation algorithm. This training is for professionals interested in using a state-of-the-art precipitation data product for applications in the water resources, disasters, agriculture, energy, and health sectors. By the end of the training, participates will:
- Be familiar with the TRMM/GPM Missions, GPM data products, and GPM Applications
- Understand IMERG and the strengths/caveats of the long-term IMERG data record
- Find previous training webinars related to GPM precipitation
- Learn to access, analyze, and visualize IMERG data using NASA web-tools
Training Resources
- Agenda (.pdf)
- View a recording of the webinar (Adobe Connect)
- Download webinar slides (.pptx, 103MB)
June 28th 2018
View a Recording of the Training Webinar
(Right-click -> Save As to download video file)
May 8th, 2018
View a Recording of the Training Webinar
(Right-click -> Save As to download video file)
August 1, 2017
This one-day workshop focused on engaging the governmental and non-governmental organizations, public and private industry, academia, and other end users on how NASA precipitation and other water data can be used for agricultural applications and support decision making.
May 3, 2017
Topics Covered:
- Apply open-source data and tools to flood monitoring and management
- Utilize satellite observations to evaluate extreme weather conditions, prepare for impending flooding, and plan relief activities
- GPM New Data Access Capabilities
- NASA/World Bank E-book
- GPM Applications and Upcoming Workshops
Training Files:
April 18 - 20, 2017
- Session 1A: Precipitation from Remote Sensing Measurements
- Session 1B: Digital Elevation Data from Remote Sensing
- Session 2A: Overview of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data for Flood Detection
- Session 2B: Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission
- Session 3A: Flood Management and Monitoring Tools
- Session 3B: Flood Monitoring and Management Case Study
Training Files:
Older Training Sessions
(2015 - 2016)
December 8, 2015
Topics Covered:
- GPM Core Satellite: Orbital Configuration, Sensors (GMI, DPR) GPM Constellation Satellites
- GPM Data Products: Level-2 to Level-3 Data Sets from GMI, DPR and Combined GMI-DPR, IMERG Filename Conventions, Formats Spatial and Temporal Resolutions and Coverage Data Search and Access Web-tools Data Quality Potential Data Applications
Training Files:
June 14, 2016
Topics Covered:
- GPM Products: Review and Updates
- Demonstration of Importing Level-2 and IMERG data into GIS
- Demonstration of Case Studies (TBD): Analysis of IMERG Rain and Snow Products with additional GIS layers including Weather, Vegetation, Terrain, and Socio-economic Data for GPM Applications
Training Files:
September 13, 2016
Topics Covered:
- GPM Products: Data Review and Data Quality
- Step-by-Step tutorial on Downloading and Reading GPM Level-2 and IMERG Products by Using Python Scripts
Training Files:
- View a recording of Part 1 of the webinar – GPM Data Updates
- View a recording of Part 2 of the webinar – Python Demos
- Download the webinar slides (.pdf)
**NOTE: please use these files rather than those downloadable during Part 1 of the webinar above – some errors in the scripts were found and corrected. **
March 17, 2015
An overview of ARSET, an introduction to precipitation remote sensing, an overview of TRMM, introduction to the GPM mission and sensors, and examples of precipitation data applications.
March 24, 2015
A review of session one; an overview of GPM rainfall data, including data processing levels and data formats; and an overview of GPM data access tools, including a demonstration of GPM data visualization.
March 31, 2015
A review of sessions one and two, information on GPM-IMERG from guest speaker Dr. George Huffman (NASA-GSFC), a case study using GPM-IMERG Precipitation Data for Hurricane Arthur, and a course summary.