Recent 3B41RT and 3B42RT Files Reprocessed JacobAdmin Tue, 04/28/2015
NOAA has reprocessed the global IR data for 10 UTC 26 April through 14 UTC 27 April due to dropped images, and all 3B41RT and 3B42RT files for this time period have been reprocessed by PPS and are now available: 3B41RT.2015042610.7.bin.gz through 3B41RT.2015042714.7.bin.gz 3B42RT.2015042612.7.bin.gz through 3B42RT.2015042715.7.bin.gz Such partial dropouts in the IR data result in somewhat lower quality for IMERG Early and Late Runs, but are not cause for reprocessing.

IMERG Data Temporarily Suspended

Due to an outage of the input 4-km IR data, the IMERG early and late runs began failing to execute on the April 14. Because of the loss of NOAA hourly IR data, PPS has had to shut off the production of NRT early and late IMERG production. We have received no valid IR data since April 14 17:00 UTC and no IR data at all since April 15 09:00 UTC. The software is able to deal with bad data by skipping it but it is currently not configured to handle the situation of not receiving any data at all. We have received information that there are product problems at NOAA but have not received any
GPM flying over Earth with a data swath visualized.
Date: November 12-13th Location: NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction University of Maryland M Square Research Park College Park, MD 20740 Info: The Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) and Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) will hold its first Applications Workshop on November 12-13th, 2013 at the NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction in College Park Maryland. This two day workshop will explore topics of weather forecasting, water resources, agricultural modeling, food security, hydrological modeling, disaster response, ecological forecasting and public health...

3rd NOAA User Workshop on GPM: Proving Ground

The 3rd NOAA User Workshop on the Global Precipitation Measurement Mission: Proving Ground was held from April 2 - 4th at the Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC), University of Maryland in College Park, MD. The 3-day workshop was focused on identifying the use of GPM data in research and operational algorithm development, characterizing NOAA GPM Proving Ground activities and participants, and identifying training needs for use of GPM data in NOAA operations. Group photo of the 2013 attendees. More Information:

University of Maryland hosts the 2nd NOAA User Workshop on GPM

A three day meeting, co-sponsored by NESDIS/STAR and NWS/OHD, is being held at the Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC) at the University of Maryland from November 29th through December 1st. This meeting follows up on the highly successful first workshop from August 2010 and focuses on user applications of GPM-era data and products. The meeting attendees, including government researchers, academics, and representatives from commercial industry, will hear presentations from NOAA and NASA representatives as well as other end users. The meeting is organized around the five high