
NASA's Summer Institute for Science Teachers
Maryland teachers will soon embark on NASA’s mission to enhance science learning in elementary schools across the state. During the month of July, educators will study the Chesapeake Bay and surrounding area alongside scientists and engineers who will provide an insider perspective on scientific study. Teachers participate in a previous Global Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) program. Credits: NASA/Goddard/Bill Hrybyk This is just one part of NASA’s Summer Watershed Institute, organized by education specialists at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt...

GPM Science Check-Out

The Global Precipitation Measurement mission Core Observatory is performing normally. The GPM Microwave Imager (GMI) continues in science mode, and GMI data is being sent to the Precipitation Processing System (PPS) at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. Using the initial data, the instrument team has verified that GMI is working well on-orbit. The GPM Core Observatory will have a 60 day on-orbit check out period to ensure the healthy operation of the spacecraft and instruments. Precipitation data will be released from the PPS no later than 6 months post-launch, after the

GPM Science Briefing

GPM Science Briefing
Image Caption
GPM Science Briefing

From left: Riko Oki, GPM Project Scientist, JAXA, Yukari Takayabu, Professor, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, Gail Skofronick-Jackson, NASA GPM Project Scientist, and, Ramesh Kakar, GPM Program Earth Scientist , NASA Headquarters, are seen during a science briefing for the launch of the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Core Observatory aboard an H-IIA rocket, Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2014, Tanegashima Space Center, Japan. Launch is scheduled for early in the morning of Feb. 28 Japan time.

Document Description

The Global Precipitation Measurement Mission is an international space network of satellites designed to provide the next generation precipitation observations around the world every 2 to 4 hours. It is a science mission with integrated applications goals.

GPM flying over Earth with a data swath visualized.
Falling snow is critically important for society in terms of freshwater resources, atmospheric water and energy cycles, and ecosystems. However, there are few archives of falling snow around the world that can be used to improve measurements from satellites. GCPEx will make detailed in situ observations of cloud and frozen precipitation microphysics to improve these databases. Falling snow represents a primary contribution to regional atmospheric and terrestrial water budgets, particularly at high latitudes. While often overlooked, precipitation falling in the form of snow is critically...
GPM flying over Earth with a data swath visualized.
GPM is designed to advance scientific understanding of the Earth's water and energy cycle but also provides near real-time data for a wide array of societal applications. As a science mission with integrated application goals, the GPM mission has five scientific objectives: Advancing Precipitation Measurement from Space GPM advances precipitation measurement capability from space using a combination of active and passive remote-sensing techniques. These measurements are used to calibrate, unify and improve global precipitation measurements by a constellation of research and operational...