science team

2022 PMM Science Team Meeting Group Photo
Remembering Dr. Arthur Y. Hou, 1947-2013
An old adage about environmental stewardship goes, “Think Globally, Act Locally.” When it came to rainfall, however, Arthur Hou, project scientist for the Global Precipitation Measurement mission from 2005 until his passing on November 20, 2013, took an approach of Think Globally, Act Globally. "We need virtually continuous observations everywhere to construct a complete picture of precipitation around the globe, and that requires a lot of resources. Fortunately, precipitation does not recognize national boundaries. It is in the best interest of every nation to pool resources together to make...
PMM Article Image
Arthur Hou, the project scientist for the upcoming Global Precipitation Measurement mission, died at home Nov. 20 from pancreatic cancer, which he had battled for more than a year. Dr. Arthur Hou, the project scientist for the upcoming Global Precipitation Measurement, or GPM, mission, died Nov. 20, 2013. Image Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center “Arthur was an exemplary project scientist who kept the GPM flame alive during the various challenges as the project was being formulated and developed,” said Nick White, director of the Sciences and Exploration Directorate at NASA’s Goddard...
2013 PMM Science Team Meeting JacobAdmin Wed, 03/20/2013
The NASA Precipitation Measurement Missions (PMM) Science Team for the TRMM and GPM missions met on March 18-21, 2013 in Annapolis, MD. This meeting included oral, poster, and evening working group sessions covering mission/program status, algorithm development activities, international partner reports, science activities, field campaign results, and other science team business. More than 175 scientists from 11 countries participated. The TRMM satellite is now in its 16th year of on-orbit operation and the GPM Core Observatory is scheduled to launch in early 2014.