
International GPM Ground Validation Workshop

The Sixth International Ground Validation Workshop will be held November 5 -7 in Rome, Italy, at the headquarters of the National Research Council of Italy ( CNR), Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate ( ISAC). The workshop is organized in coordination with NASA’s Precipitation Measurement Missions Science Program. The meeting will focus on activities related to the upcoming launch of the Global Precipitation Measurement mission's Core Observatory, including: Developing consensus plans for post-launch assessments of satellite algorithms/products using GV measurements Reviewing results

University of Maryland hosts the 2nd NOAA User Workshop on GPM

A three day meeting, co-sponsored by NESDIS/STAR and NWS/OHD, is being held at the Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC) at the University of Maryland from November 29th through December 1st. This meeting follows up on the highly successful first workshop from August 2010 and focuses on user applications of GPM-era data and products. The meeting attendees, including government researchers, academics, and representatives from commercial industry, will hear presentations from NOAA and NASA representatives as well as other end users. The meeting is organized around the five high