PPS To Begin Version 4 GPM and Partner Satellite Data Processing
PPS will commence Version 4 processing of GPM and Partner satellite products in early March 2016. All current Version 3 products will be processed through February 29, 2016. Once the current products are completed there will be a delay before the first version 4 products will be made available to the public.
The first data date for version 4 will be March 1, 2016. Once PPS has verified the processing and products for version 4 they will be released and made available from our ftp site. At this time PPS will commence reprocessing. GPM products will be reprocessed back to launch, March 2014. Partner data will be reprocessed back to Feb 1, 2014.
Please check back here for another announcement once Version 4 GPM and Partner data are available to the public.
There will be an extended delay in the start of the L2 - L3 GPROF, and IMERG version 4 processing. GPM GMI L2-L3 products will not be available until mid April, 2016. Partner L2-L3 GPROF, and IMERG will not be available until a TBD date.
PPS Toolkit TKIO version 3.70.8 should be used to read the GPM V4 products. This latest version of TKIO is also backwards compatible with GPM Version 3 product formats. TKIO 3.70.8 and associated documentation is available from:
The GPM file specifications will be updated for GPM Version 4 product format once this data is available to the public. Current file specifications and updated specifications can be found at:
Please remember to read any updates to the caveats and other documents posted on the ftp site under:
Please contact the helpdesk at: helpdesk@mail.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov if you have any questions, comments
or concerns.