TRMM-era Constellation Level 2-Level 3 V05 Product release
With the evaluation and approval, PPS will start to process the TRMM era AMSRE, AMSUB and SSMI level 2 and level 3 GPROF products on Wednesday, February 7, 2018. Similar to the early released TRMM era MHS, SSMIS, AMSR2 and ATMS level 2 and level 3 products, all level 2 and level 3 GPROF products will be produced as GPM version V05, all products are in HDF5 format, all product names will use the GPM naming convention and the produced data will appear both in STORM:
and on "arthurhou":
after these are produced.
All users are encouraged to retrieve these latest TRMM era level 2 and level 3 GPROF products to ensure that they use the most recent products. The new members of the TRMM era level 2 and level 3 GPROF family being reprocessed are listed below with their types, start time and end time:
Data Source Start of Data End of Data
AQUA_AMSRE 2002-06-01 15:48:28 2011-10-04 07:44:29
F11_SSMI 1997-11-30 23:36:30 2000-05-16 16:57:56
F13_SSMI 1997-11-30 22:29:40 2009-11-20 01:08:59
F14_SSMI 1997-11-30 22:03:14 2008-08-24 00:48:17
F15_SSMI 2000-02-23 09:49:02 2006-08-14 01:23:04
NOAA15_AMSUB 2000-01-01 01:16:38 2010-09-15 02:12:20
NOAA16_AMSUB 2000-10-04 12:12:03 2010-05-01 02:31:07
NOAA17_AMSUB 2002-06-28 19:13:47 2009-12-18 01:33:07
PPS will reprocess the entire TRMM era level 2 and level 3 GPROF products. Currently TMI level2 and level3 GPOF products are under evaluation. PPS will reprocess TMI GPROF products as soon as they are approved, and inform user community once they are available.
The other note is that the GANAL ancillary data is not available back through the TRMM era. Therefore, only the GPROF products using the ECMWF ancillary data will be produced.
As always, all processed TRMM era level2 and level 3 GPROF products will be held until they have been reviewed and verified by the Science Team. The processed TRMM era level 2 and level 3 GPROF products will be released to the public upon their approval.
TRMM version 8 level 2 and level 3 GPROF product release notes and other documentation can be found on the PPS public website at:
Other level 2 / level 3 documentation can be found at:
on the PPS public website:
We will include any new information in a future announcement.