6 December 2021 GPM NRT radar product version update to V07
Effective approximately 01:30 UTC on 6 December V06 radar and combined data products will cease to be produced by the NRT.
In the period 01:30 - 03:00 NASA and JAXA will be updating the radar products to the officially approved V07A data version. During this period no L2 Ka, Ku or DPR will be available. When radar data resumes it will be V07A which has major changes in swath organization as well as science content.
The combined product is an interim product which will use V07A radar inputs but V05 GMI 1C inputs. This product is NOT the final or approved V07A combined product but does have the format and science of V07A. It is a hybrid version produced for downstream processing. There are substantial changes in the format of this version (that are essentially V07) as well as science improvements. The data product version to be carried by this product will be V07h (the lower case indicates a special data product version)
Software that uses the current V06 radar and combined WILL need to be modified to use the new formats. The V07 file specifications are at
The major changes of the radar/combined products:
- full swath Ka data (i.e. same swath size as Ku)
- full swath DPR data (i.e same swath size as Ku)
- dual frequency retrievals across the entire swath
- changes in the names of the swaths
- high-sensitivity swath in the NRT products are all missing values as the HS part of the Ka scan is being used to create a complete Ku size swath for the Ka and thereby enable dual frequency retrievals across the entire Ku swath
- addition of pixel local time
- addition of some array names to support 3 part netCDF based tools
As stated above, the adjustment to the new radar/combined products will take place between 01:20-3:00 UTC on 6 Dec 2021. We hope during the radar adjustment there will be no interruption in the availability of the current radiometer products. However, the software and environment changes required are quite substantial. Any conflicts could potentially impact the radiometer product production.
It is currently anticipated that the V07 for radiometer products will occur sometime in February 2022. At that time all products will become V07A. There are important changes in the GPROF V07 and users of that product should review the file specification above. For the GMI 1B and 1C product there are no changes in the calibration from V05. However, there are format additions such as the pixel local time.