Final Post-boost Radar Algorithms for V07 Being Delivered on 5 March 2024
Since January 2024 the PPS has been running the GPM near-realtime (NRT) radar Ku, Ka, DPR and the combined products with an interim version of the post-boost radar algorithms. This was designated with the data product version V07X (experimental).
JAXA and the radar algorithm team have developed the final post-boost V07 algorithm and will be delivering this on 5 March 2024. We will start using the new algorithms with the arrival of the V07C radar Ku/Ka 1B data from JAXA. The L2 Ku/Ka/DPR and combined products will then also change the data product version to V07C.
The algorithm ID for combined which is CORRA2022 will remain the same for combined V07C. Here is an example of the current L2 combined file name:
The algorithm ID for Ku which was V920231226 will change to V920240130
The algorithm ID for Ka which was V920231226 will change to V920240130
The algorithm ID for DPR which was V920231212 will change to V920240130
Here are examples of the current radar L2 file names:
It is recommended NOT to use the algorithm ID when searching for datasets. This information is included for you to communicate with the algorithm developers as to which algorithm ID you are using.