GPM Core Observatory in Sun Point Mode
On Dec. 1, 2023, at 7:43 p.m. ET (Dec. 2 at 00:43 GMT) the Global Precipitation Measurement Core Observatory (GPM-CO) satellite transitioned to Sun Point Mode (SPM) via onboard fault management response due to excessive attitude errors. Reaction Wheel #5 showed anomalous behavior and was taken out of the control loop during the reconfiguration. It is unclear currently whether this was the cause, or a result, of the attitude error. Subsequently, a solar array pointing error required additional recovery work. This condition has stopped the collection of science data from both the GMI and DPR instruments.
Spacecraft and Instruments have successfully transitioned to their SPM configuration. The spacecraft is controlling properly on three Reaction Wheels (1, 3 & 4), and the solar arrays are properly configured. Recovery activities to return the GPM-CO to science operations are planned out and underway; instrument recovery is expected on Dec. 5-6 (Tuesday and Wednesday).
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