GPM NRT System Downtime and IMERG V07B Updates on June 3, 2024

As announced earlier in the month, the PPS are updating the GPM near-realtime (NRT) servers on Monday, June 3.  The IMERG product will also be updated to V07B at this time.


  • The update will start at approximately 10:00 UTC 3 June 2024
  • No NRT products will be produced for about 4 hours during the system update. This also means no L1 GMI, radar, combined, partner products, or L2 products will be produced during this time.
  • Following successful system updates, PPS will the start L1 and L2 data production.
  • The PPS will install the IMERG V07B algorithms.  The IMERG NRT V07B products, when restarted, will begin  with 1 Jun 2024.
    • IMERG V07B ongoing products will probably be unavailable the entire day of 3 June 2024
    • IMERG V07B Early Run retro-processed products back to 2000-2023 are currently available on the jsimpson server
    • IMERG V07B Late Run retro-processed products have begun production. Jun 2014 - Dec 2015 are now available on the jsimpson server.

This schedule assumes nominal production. If something unexpected happens, the downtime will be longer.

Users should be able to access data on jsimpson during the entire update downtime.

Please contact us for any questions.