GPM Orbit Raise Burn #2 Complete

The GPM Mission Operations have successfully executed Orbit Raise Burn #2 for the GPM Core Observatory (GPM-CO).
The maneuver performance was NOMINAL

Burn Start: 17:22:42 UTC*

Burn End: 17:32:32 UTC*

Duration: 590 seconds

*slightly earlier than the planned time stated yesterday – adjusted to optimize altitude-raise performance and subsequent operational events.

This completes the GPM-CO altitude-raising process; subsequent work will focus on returning the data products to regular production with as little difference from pre-boost behavior as possible. Note that DPR data will be held pending development of revised algorithms that accommodate post-boost observational parameters; initial release is anticipated in January for near-real-time use. GMI and associated GPROF retrievals are now running in near real time using revised algorithms.

For more information on the impacts of the GPM orbit boost maneuvers, please visit our GPM Orbit Boost webpage