PPS's 'ftp://gpmweb2' Service has Been Replaced with 'https://gpmweb2https'

PPS's new 'https://gpmweb2https' service is now accessible to the public and we have modified our website:


All the previous links and source material referencing  ftp://gpmweb2 have been or will be completely updated to refer to the new 'https://gpmweb2https' address.   This effort will allow you to view documents and other content within your browser as you did before.   As an example see:


PPS will also make 'gpmweb2ftps.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov' ftps service available as an alternative.  You can retrieve content anonymously using your preferred method such as 'lftp', 'wget', 'curl', Filezilla, etc.   If needed, you can refer to the following document for guidance:


Use 'gpmweb2ftps.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov' instead of 'arthurhouftps.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov'.  

Login is anonymous. 

See our previous announcement for background information concerning this change.