Resumption of GPM Core Observatory Science Operations and NRT Data

On 26 August 2020 at approximately 14 UTC GMI was commanded into science operations mode.  Since that time PPS has been producing level 1 and level 2 GMI data. Everything continues to be nominal with GMI science operations.

On 26 August 2020 at approximately 23 UTC the DPR was commanded into science operations mode. Since that time PPS has been receiving 1B data from JAXA and producing L2 products including the combined GMI/DPR product. Everything continues to be nominal with DPR science operations.

Users are free to resume retrieving GPM NRT data.

Initial investigation indicated that  the safehold was caused by a single electro-magnetic event that affected the spacecraft processor on 19 August 2020.  The logs gave no indication that there were any issues with either the spacecraft or instrument that caused the safe-hold to have occurred. The nominal resumption of science operations to this point seem to validate that investigation.

During the entire time of GPM data outage IMERG continued to be produced,  but without the GMI data or the calibration by the GMI/DPR combined product.  Both of these are again available to IMERG processing.