Torrential Rain Over South Measured From Space
Extremely heavy rain fell over the southern United States during the past week. A slow moving area of low pressure pumped moisture from the Gulf Of Mexico causing torrential rain that resulted in wide spread flooding in states from Texas to Tennessee. Over 24 inches of rain was reported in Monroe, Louisiana. Over 4,958 homes in Louisiana were reportedly damaged by the flooding. Strong winds accompanying intense thunderstorms also toppled trees in Mississippi and Louisiana.
A simulated 3-D animation of NASA merged satellite rainfall analysis (TMPA) using data collected from March 7-14, 2016 shows where heavy rain was falling during this period.
The GPM core observatory satellite flew over some of the storms slowly moving through the southern United States on March 10, 2016 at 0916 UTC (5:16 AM EST). A simulated 3-D slice through this area of strong storms showed that some intense showers were dropping rain at a rate of over 93 mm (3.7 inches) per hour with radar reflectivity values of over 50 dBZ being returned to the GPM satellite.