Typhoon Nock-ten's Rainfall Measured By IMERG
Heavy rainfall and winds from super typhoon Nock-ten caused the deaths of at least six people as it roared through the Philippines. Data generated by NASA's Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) were used to estimate the total amount of rain that super typhoon Nock-ten dropped as it approached and traveled over the Philippines. Nock-ten’s approximate locations and appropriate tropical cyclone symbols at 0000Z and 1200Z are shown overlaid in white on IMERG rainfall estimate images. This IMERG analysis shows estimated rainfall totals using NASA's IMERG data produced during the period from December 21-27, 2016. It indicates that typhoon Nock-ten dropped over 350 mm (13.8 inches) of rain in a large area extending from the Philippine island of Mindoro to the Philippine Sea.