GPM's ground validation scientist, Walt Petersen sent us our first photos from the CARE site in Ontario, Canada. Snow's already on the ground, now we're just waiting for more to fall!

The University of Bonn
ADMIRARI Radiometer deployed at the CARE site. It measures microwaves that are naturally emitted from Earth's surface to determine water vapor and cloud and liquid water in the air column.
Credit: NASA / Walt Petersen

D3R radar deployed at the CARE site. This radar scans the air column for snow falling from the clouds to the ground. It uses two frequencies that together can determine the shape and size of snowflakes, and the distribution of those sizes throughout the clouds and snowing area.
Credit: NASA / Walt Petersen

Dave Hudak (center) demonstrates the Environment Canada radar display in the operations trailer. Looking on are Walt Petersen (left) and Mark Kulie (right).
Credit: NASA / Walt Petersen