Extreme India Monsoon Rainfall Analyzed

Extreme India Monsoon Rainfall Analyzed

Extreme, sometimes disastrous, monsoon rainfall has occurred so far over India during June and July 2013. The image above shows rainfall total estimates from space satellite data for the seven day period ending on June 17, 2013. Near real-time TRMM Merged HQ/Infrared Precipitation (3B42) data, with seven days totals, were analyzed for the period from June 14-July 25, 2013. These rainfall estimates are shown in simulated 3-D perspective views with higher precipitation amounts appearing to be taller than lower amounts. Rainfall totals were also color enhanced with lower amounts being assigned green or blue colors. The highest totals, with amounts in northern India greater than 730mm (~28.7 inches), are shown in light purple. Click here to see a simulated 3-D Quicktime or MPEG animation of rainfall from June 14-July 25, 2013.

Extreme India Monsoon Rainfall Analyzed