Heavy Rain & Tornadoes
Tornadoes killed two people yesterday in Pilger, Nebraska. Tornadoes were reported with violent weather that also hit the states of North Dakota, Iowa and Wisconsin. Heavy rainfall with this extreme weather was monitored with the TRMM-based, near-real time Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
An analysis of TMPA rainfall totals is shown here for the seven days from June 10-17, 2014. This analysis indicated that the highest rainfall totals for the period (light purple) were greater than 300 mm (about 11.8 inches) in northwestern Iowa. Locations of tornado reports for June 16, 2014 are shown with red symbols.
Click here to see a Quicktime movie that shows areas where flooding was expected during the past week.
Click here to see an MPEG movie that shows areas where flooding was expected during the past week.
Click here. to see more areas of recent heavy rain, potential flooding and landslide estimates anywhere on earth.