2014 PMM Science Team Meeting

Embassy Suites, 225 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD, 20212

Download the 2014 PMM Science Team Meeting summary from the November 2014 edition of the Earth Observer (pdf)

This meeting is for NASA PMM Science Team members and invitees only.

The meeting will consist of general oral and poster sessions covering mission/program status, partner reports, science activities, field campaign results, and other science team business.  There will also be Radar, Combined, Radiometer, and Multi-Satellite algorithm team meetings, which all participants are encouraged to attend.  As part of the PMM program review process, each funded Principal Investigator is required to present a poster and to provide a poster title on the meeting registration form. Other attendees are welcome to contribute posters on a space available basis.

  • Project Planning: We have a joint TRMM/GPM science team and we need to plan joint activities among the science team members.

  • Reviews: Reviews of prior science results and algorithm development, testing and validation must be done in a setting with all participants present and interacting.

  • Priority Planning: with the recent launch of GPM (February 2014); priorities must be set on final algorithm deliverables, ground validation activities, and scientific projects. Operations – interactions between the science team developing algorithms to process the GPM/TRMM satellite data and the Precipitation Processing System (PPS) that takes the raw satellite data and converts it to precipitation products, must occur so that operations and data processing after launch and beyond perform with efficiency and few complications.

  • Data Product Release: Schedules and criteria requirements for data product release to the public must be defined with all relevant team members present.