3rd International Workshop for GPM Ground Validation

Buzios, Brazil

Host Agencies:
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) and Agencia Espacial Brasileira (AEB)

Meeting Summary:

With the launch of the GPM Core Satellite scheduled for June 2013 and subsequent launch of the NASA Constellation Satellite in 2014, the GPM Mission is pursuing a vigorous international Ground Validation (GV) program to support pre-launch algorithm development and post-launch product verification. In view of your expertise in precipitation science and measurements, we cordially invite you to attend the Third GPM International GV Research Planning Workshop.

The Workshop theme is "Establishing a Framework for International Partnership in GPM Ground Validation. " The workshop goal is to motivate the development of internationally-coordinated research and observational programs designed around three major ground validation approaches:

  1. National Networks: Contributions of calibrated ground observations from operational and research instruments, regional and continental scale precipitation and hydrological products with associated error models, the development of downscaling models, and other related activities on large regional or continental scales;
  2. Process studies and field campaigns: Contributions of targeted ground and aircraft measurements of cloud microphysical properties, precipitation, radar reflectivity, and radiances; modeling activities related to atmospheric simulation and retrieval algorithm testing; other relevant observations on local to regional scales
  3. Integrated hydrometeorology applications: Contributions related to assessment of satellite precipitation products at integrated hydrological sites using stream gauges and other hydrological measurements, formulation and application of downscaling methodologies, and analysis of the utility of satellite precipitation products for basin-scale water budget studies.

With these approaches in mind, one desired outcome of the workshop is to establish a framework for the implementation of joint science research plans between NASA GPM and investigators from other countries. This framework would include the identification of collaborating scientists, an overview of national GV capabilities/infrastructures and their relevance to one or more of the three GPM GV approaches, definition of research objectives, and joint implementation plans for accomplishing these research objectives. It is highly recommended that attendees consider possible areas of joint research plans capitalizing on particular strengths of national research programs and infrastructures prior to the meeting.

The National Institute for Space Research (INPE) of Brazil on behalf of the National Space Agency (AEB) and in coordination with NASA's Precipitation Measurement Missions (PMM) Program will host this workshop in Buzios (160 km north of Rio de Janeiro), Brazil, on March 4 - 6, 2008. Detailed meeting logistics and an agenda will be communicated at a later date.