GPM Ground Validation Science Implementation Plan
Walter A. Peterson
Mathew R. Schwaller
Document Description
The Global Precipitation Measurement mission (GPM) Ground Validation (GV) Science Implementation Plan (GVSIP) applies three overarching approaches to validation of GPM satellite constellation measurements, products, and algorithms. These approaches include:
- National Networks: Contributions of calibrated ground observations from operational and research instruments, regional and continental scale precipitation and hydrological products with associated error models, the development of downscaling models, and other related activities on large regional or continental scales;
- Physical Process studies and field campaigns: Contributions of targeted ground and aircraft measurements of cloud microphysical properties, precipitation, radar reflectivity, and radiances; modeling activities related to atmospheric simulation and retrieval algorithm testing; other relevant observations on local to regional scales
- Integrated hydrometeorology applications: Contributions related to assessment of satellite precipitation products at integrated hydrological sites using stream gauges and other hydrological measurements, formulation and application of downscaling methodologies, and analysis of the utility of satellite precipitation products for basin-scale water budget studies.
Document File
GPM_GVS_imp_plan_Jul08.pdf2.24 MB
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