Prototype of NASA’s Global Precipitation Measurement Mission Ground Validation System
M.R. Schwaller
K.R. Morris
W.A. Peterson
Document Description
NASA is developing a Ground Validation System (GVS) as one of its contributions to the Global Precipitation Mission (GPM). The GPM GVS provides an independent means for evaluation, diagnosis, and ultimately improvement of GPM spaceborne measurements and precipitation products. NASA’s GPM GVS consists of three elements: field campaigns/physical validation, direct network validation, and modeling and simulation. The GVS prototype of direct network validation compares Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite-borne radar data to similar measurements from the U.S. national network of operational weather radars. A prototype field campaign has also been conducted; modeling and simulation prototypes are under consideration.
Document File
2007_Barcelona_GPM_GV_v2.pdf3.68 MB
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