HDF and HDF-EOS data formats, software libraries and application programming interfaces (APIs), have been widely used for NASA earth observation mission data for many years. The latest version of HDF, HDF5 is the current or planned data format for missions including Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2 (OCO-2) and Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS), totaling many 10s of terabytes of data. Users cite many strengths, including:

1C Microwave Brightness Temperatures PPS Research JacobAdmin Wed, 04/24/2019


The 2A GPROF and 2A PRPS algorithms estimate precipitation rate from single orbits brightness temperature data from passive-microwave radiometers.  The algorithms also uses ancillary information about Earth’s atmosphere and surface.

1C Microwave Brightness Temperatures GES DISC

The Level 1C algorithms calculate calibrated brightness temperature values so that the brightness temperature form an individual sensor is consistent with the brightness temperature from other passive-microwave sensors.  Currently, the GPM Microwave Imager (GMI) is the reference instrument for calibrating the other sensors. The 1C data product is the lowest level passive-microwave data product that most researchers are interested in examining, although some instruments have more primitive data products available from the GPM project. 

JacobAdmin Wed, 04/24/2019
IMERG Final Run PPS Research HDF JacobAdmin Wed, 04/24/2019