1A-GMI PPS Research
1AGMI contains unpacked packet data from GMI science data from the GMI passive microwave instrument flown on the GPM satellite.
The Global Precipitation Measurement Mission (GPM) Core Observatory Microwave Imager (GMI)
1AGMI contains unpacked packet data from GMI science data from the GMI passive microwave instrument flown on the GPM satellite.
1AGMI contains unpacked packet data from GMI science data from the GMI passive microwave instrument flown on the GPM satellite.
The Level 1B algorithm and software transform Level 0 counts into geolocated and calibrated antenna temperatures (Ta) and brightness temperatures (Tb).
The Level 1B algorithm and software transform Level 0 counts into geolocated and calibrated antenna temperatures (Ta) and brightness temperatures (Tb).
The Level 1B algorithm and software transform Level 0 counts into geolocated and calibrated antenna temperatures (Ta) and brightness temperatures (Tb).
The 2A GPROF and 2A PRPS algorithms estimate precipitation rate from single orbits brightness temperature data from passive-microwave radiometers. The algorithms also uses ancillary information about Earth’s atmosphere and surface.