3A Radar
Gridded rainfall estimates from radar data (GPM DPR, TRMM PR)
The Level 3 DPR product provides space-time statistics of the level 2 DPR results. High and low spatial resolution grids are defined such that the high-resolution grid is 0.250 × 0.250 (lat×lon) while the low resolution grid is 50 × 50. For the variables defined on the low-resolution grid, the statistics include mean, standard deviation, counts and histogram. For variables defined on the high-resolution grid, the same statistics are computed with the exception of a histogram, which is omitted.
Processing Level
Current Algorithm Version
Dates Covered
December 1997 - April 2015 (TRMM), March 2014 - Present (GPM)
Minimum Latency
Daily (research)
Spatial Resolution
0.25 Degree
5 Degree