Dorian Janney
Affiliation: ADNET Systems, Inc. & NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA
Project Mentees: Simon Ageet
2022 GPM Mentorship Program
Dorian Janney
Name: Dorian Janney
Affiliation: ADNET Systems, Inc. & NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA
Project Mentees: Simon Ageet
Why are you participating in this program as a mentor?
I have been working with the GPM Education and Outreach Team since 2011 and watching the incredibly ways in which the GPM data are being used to improve life around the world truly inspires me.
What is your area of expertise and how does GPM fit into your research?
I am a former educator and have been serving as the GPM Outreach Coordinator for the past decade. Finding ways to share the science, technology, and applications of the GPM mission with audiences of all ages is the focus of my work. By serving as a GPM Mentor, it enabled me to learn about the research being done by several of our mentees as well as to share resources we have developed to assist the mentees in their work.
What is a challenge you often notice by users with using remote sensing data? Any advice to overcome this challenge?
I find that many people are not aware that NASA provides data free of charge, and that there are many online trainings to assist potential end-users with learning how to access and analyze these data.