Photo of Jackson Tan

Jackson Tan

Affiliation: University of Maryland Baltimore County and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA

Role: GPM Mentorship Session Facilitator 

2022 GPM Mentorship Program

Jackson Tan


Name: Jackson Tan

Affiliation: University of Maryland Baltimore County and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA

Role: GPM Mentorship Session Facilitator 


Why are you participating in this program as a mentor?

As an algorithm developer, it is important to communicate the product to the users and gather feedback on possible improvements. The program is also great in fostering the next generation of talent to advance precipitation science and the proper use of satellite precipitation data for society.

What is your area of expertise and how does GPM fit into your research?     

I am part of the IMERG algorithm development team, which produces NASA’s gridded GPM precipitation product.

What is a challenge you often notice by users with using remote sensing data? Any advice to overcome this challenge?

From the perspective of an algorithm developer, one challenge is making sure that users know how the product is made and its limitations. An associated difficulty is that different users may need different levels of understanding of the product, so different levels of documentation may be required. One advice is for users to reach out to us if they have any questions. We are happy to respond and provide details as needed!

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