
Tropical Storm Fernand Over Eastern Mexico JacobAdmin Mon, 08/26/2013
Tropical storm Fernand was drenching the state of Veracruz on Mexico's Gulf Of Mexico coast when the TRMM satellite flew over on August 26, 2012 at 0534 UTC. A rainfall analysis from TRMM's Microwave Imager (TMI) and Precipitation Radar (PR) instruments is shown overlaid on an enhanced infrared image from TRMM's Visible and InfraRed Scanner (VIRS). TRMM PR found rain falling at a rate of over 118mm/hr (~4.6 inches) in rain bands north of Fernand's center of circulation. TRMM PR data revealed that Fernand had a fairly well defined center. TRMM's Precipitation Radar (PR) data were used in the