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Owing to the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) core satellite’s unique asynchronous orbit, its orbital ground tracks intersect the orbital tracks of many other sun-synchronous satellites. Of particular interest are the intersections (coincidences) between the GPM core satellite and the 94-GHz (W-band) CloudSat profiling radar (CPR), within small enough time differences, such that the combination of the resulting “pseudo three-frequency” radar profiles (W-band from CPR, and Ku/Ka-band from GPM), and the 13-channel (10-183 GHz) GMI radiometer are useful for many scientific purposes.

GPM and Cloudsat Researchers Meet in Helsinki to Discuss LPVEx Data JacobAdmin Mon, 10/17/2011
GPM and CloudSat ground validation researchers are currently meeting at the University of Helsinki to discuss strategies for analyzing airborne and ground-based datasets from the Light Precipitation Validation Experiment (LPVEx) field campaign. This data analysis will help improve satellite-based precipitation retrievals in high latitude light rain and snowfall events. Dr. Ari-Matte Hari, Director of the Radar and Space Technology Group, FMI, welcomes the group to the University of Helsinki and FMI. Learn more about the LPVEx field campaign
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A complete understanding of the Earth’s hydrologic cycle necessarily dictates an ability to accurately quantify the global range of precipitation rates and types (rain, snow etc.). In turn, global observations of precipitation are most efficiently made from space. Great strides in the measurement of global tropical rainfall have occurred recently as a result of the NASA Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM).