D3R in the Snow at GCPEx
D3R in the snow
JacobAdmin Tue, 02/21/2012
Image Caption
The D3R instrument at the CARE site under 6 inches of snow, Saturday February 18, 2012.

Snow on the Ground, Satellites Overhead

Chris Kidd is a hydrologist at Goddard Space Flight Center. This week he is at the CARE site in Ontario and writes to us about this week's flights. Although the excitement of the lake-effect snow last weekend was welcome, in contrast this week was somewhat benign. There were a number of good opportunities identified in the model forecasts that didn’t really materialize, leaving us with a number of, although marginal, still useful events. The dual-frequency radar at the CARE site Friday, February 17th. The little spec in the sky is the Citation aircraft flying overhead. Credit: NASA / Chris

More Snow Photos

NASA scientist Chris Kidd shared some of his photos from the last several days at GCPEx: The ADMIRARI instrument at the CARE site with blowing light snow (11 Feb 2012) Credit: NASA / Chris Kidd The radar at the CARE site with blowing light snow (11 Feb 2012) Credit: NASA / Chris Kidd The ADMIRARI instrument operating at the CARE site (11 Feb 2012) The lights on the instrument allows remote operators to keep and eye on any snow build up on the sensors that would affect the measurements. Credit: NASA / Chris Kidd Mission operations inside the CARE trailer – which can be very cold at times! (11