GPM Constellation

SSMIS Outage Affecting TMPA and IMERG

FNMOC is behind in providing the SSMIS data used in IMERG. Therefore, the Early and possibly Late IMERG products will contain less satellite estimates and be of somewhat lesser quality. FNMOC stopped providing data around 00 UTC today (8 September 2016), meaning there has been no data available from the three operational SSMIS sensors to the TMPA-RT datasets. As a result, more lower-quality IR-based estimates are being used. In addition, if there are dropouts in the IR data, there is a higher probability that gaps will appear in the combined product, 3B42RT. We will update the situation when
A Global Tour of Precipitation from NASA
Credits: NASA/Goddard This video and related visualizations are public domain and can be downloaded at the Scientific Visualization Studio Precipitation (falling rain and snow) is our fresh water reservoir in the sky and is fundamental to life on Earth. A Global Tour of Precipitation from NASA shows how rain and snowfall moves around the world from the vantage of space using measurements from the Global Precipitation Measurement Core Observatory, or GPM. This is a joint mission between NASA and the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and offers the most detailed and worldwide view of...

F17 SSMIS L1C Data Product Update

Due to continuing, intermittent anomalies in the F17 SSMIS 37v channel, starting from April 13, 2016 (Orbit # 48713 : 18:29:36) and forward all 1C F17 products will flag the 37V channel as bad data and the Brightness Temperatures will be missing. We apologize for any inconvenience or problems that this may cause and appreciate your understanding and patience. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

F17 SSMIS Data Processing on Hold

There continues to be intermittent anomalies in the F17 37v channel. The science team is in the process of making a decision on how to proceed forward with the F17 SSMIS data. PPS will be halting L1C forward production of the F17 data until a decision is reached. Please note that this information pertains only to the PPS Standard Research products. Additional information will be sent for NRT (Near realtime) as appropriate. We apologize for any inconvenience or problems that this may cause and appreciate your continued patience. We will send notification updates whenever we receive new
GPM's Worldwide Tour of Global Precipitation
Rain, snow, hail, ice, and every mix in between make up the precipitation that touches everyone on our planet. But precipitation doesn't fall equally in all places around the world, as seen in NASA's new animation that captures every shower, snowstorm and tropical cyclone over a six-day period in August 2014. The time lapse was created from data captured by the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) satellite mission, now just over a year old, which scientists are using to better understand freshwater resources, natural disasters, crop health and more. Image Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight...
GPM's First Global Rainfall and Snowfall Map
The Global Precipitation Measurement mission has produced its first global map of rainfall and snowfall. Like a lead violin tuning an orchestra, the GPM Core Observatory – launched one year ago on Feb. 27, 2014, as a collaboration between NASA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency – acts as the standard to unify precipitation measurements from a network of 12 satellites. The result is NASA's Integrated Multi-satellite Retrievals for GPM data product, called IMERG, which combines all of these data from 12 satellites into a single, seamless map. The map covers more of the globe than any...
GPM's How-to Guide for Global Rain Maps
In a data-processing room at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, racks of high-powered computers are making a set of maps. They're not the familiar satellite map of farms, forests and cities. Instead, the maps will show what's in the atmosphere above the ground -- falling rain and snow. The data come from the Global Precipitation Measurement mission, an international partnership led by NASA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. The GPM Core Observatory launched on Feb. 27, 2014, and after an initial check-out period, began its prime mission on May 29. The data...

Our Wet Wide World (GPM Overview)

Submitted by JacobAdmin on
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As anyone who has ever been caught in a sudden and unexpected downpour knows, gaps still exist in our knowledge about the behavior and movement of precipitation, clouds and storms. An upcoming satellite mission from NASA and the Japanese Space Agency aims to fill in those gaps both in coverage and in scientists' understanding of precipitation.