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Updates to IMERG V07B and GPM L1 / L2 Data Production

Due to unforeseen issues with the recent GPM near real-time system updates, IMERG V07B Early and Late Run production has been delayed. Currently the PPS plans for IMERG V07B Early and Late Run data to begin production on June 6, 2024. GPM L1 and L2 data has already resumed production, and can be accessed on the the jsimpson and jsimpsonhttps servers.

Delays in IMERG V07B Production

Recent hardware and operating system changes in the PPS near real-time system have presented challenges that are preventing the production of the new V07B Early and Late Runs at present. One feed for a major input data source is in the process of being enabled, after which the Early and Late should be ready to begin production. The most likely scenario is that this start will happen tomorrow, June 5, at which point the record will be started from June 1.

4-year Climatology of Global Drop Size Distribution and its Seasonal Variability Observed by Spaceborne Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar

Submitted by LisaN on Thu, 04/04/2024
Publication Year
Yamaji, M., H. G. Takahashi, T. Kubota, R. Oki, A. Hamada, and Y. N. Takayabu
J. Meteor. Soc. Japan
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