Content which is not specifically affiliated with GPM or TRMM, but which is about the Precipitation Measurement Missions in general.

GPM flying over Earth with a data swath visualized.
Registration for the GPM Disease Initiative Workshop has closed. You can view the workshop remotely by visiting this link on the day of the event:…
GPM flying over Earth with a data swath visualized.
Example ESRI map:

Gauge Combination Error in 2016, Affects 3B42/43 and IMERG Final Run

We have discovered that the gauge analysis was erroneously omitted from the "production" 3B42/43 products starting with January 2016 due to issues with handling a change of data format. Thus, the production 3B42/43 are being re-computed. This does not affect the TMPA-RT suite of products, since no month-to-month gauge data are used. Note this issue also affects the current Version 3 IMERG Final Run products for January 2016. They are being recomputed as well. The current Version 3 IMERG Early and Late Runs are not affected. An update will be provided here when the corrected products are ready.

Jan. 2016 GPM IMERG and Jan.-Jun. 2016 TMPA 3B42/3B43 Data Products are Being Recalled and Replaced

UPDATE 9/27/16: January 2016 IMERG has been regenerated and posted. This was necessary due to an error that omitted the gauge analysis in the Final products. Also, 3B42/3B43 have been recomputed and posted. Let me know if you have any further questions. --- PPS has removed the January 2016 GPM IMERG and January through June 2016 3B42/3B43 TMPA products from our ftp archive: and STORM: The GPM science team discovered that the IMERG final products for Jan 2016 and the Jan-Jun 2016 TMPA 3B42/3B43 products for which we
GPM flying over Earth with a data swath visualized.
2018 GPM Applications Workshop Series GPM Disease Initiative Workshop Location: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars 1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20004 Date: May 17th, 2018 Agenda: forthcoming Register Here More Information 2017 GPM Applications Workshop Series GPM Agricultural Applications Workshop Co-hosted by GPM and the World Resources Institute Location: World Resources Institute, 10 G St NE #800, Washington, DC 20002 Date: August 1st, 2017 8:00am – 5:00pm Agenda: forthcoming Registration: opens May 1st More Information 2015 GPM Applications Workshop Tuesday, June...
As farmers in Nepal prepare for the benefits of monsoon season, Dalia Kirschbaum anticipates the dangers of those torrential rains—mainly, the loosening of earth on steep slopes that can lead to landslides. In this mountainous country, 60 to 80 percent of the annual precipitation falls during the monsoon (roughly June to August). That’s when roughly 90 percent of Nepal’s landslide fatalities also occur, according to a 2015 report from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. “We know a high number of landslides occur around this time, so documenting them is...