PPS Research

Data Source Homepage

The Research PPS data server "Arthurhou" contains research-quality products from the GPM and TRMM missions. Click here to learn about the difference between low latency / near real-time and research / production products. 

The NASA Precipitation Processing System (PPS) evolved from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Science Data and Information System (TSDIS).  The purpose of the PPS is to process, analyze and archive data from the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission, partner satellites and the TRMM mission.  The PPS also supports GPM by providing validation products from GPM ground radar sites.  All GPM, TRMM and Partner public data products are available to the science community and the general public from the GPM / TRMM Data Archive. Please note that you need to register to be able to access this data.

Data Source Instructions

How to Access Research GPM / TRMM Data from the PPS

Due to NASA network policies the NASA Precipitation Processing System (PPS) will be transitioning from FTP to FTPS for access to download GPM and TRMM data. As a result of this change, users may need to update the methods they use to download data.

  1. Register for the PPS 

    • IMPORTANT: Visit this URL to register or update your email and info: http://registration.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/registration/
    • Use of the PPS FTP to download GPM and TRMM data is free, but you are required to first register your email address. This allows the PPS to track usage statistics and send useful messages about the satellite and data availability. Once you have registered and verified your email address, return to this page to continue to the FTP to download data. 
    • If you need access to the near-realtime (NRT) GPM files on https://jsimpson.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov, please be sure to check the box labelled "Near-Realtime Products". Otherwise you will be unable to log in to the NRT server.
    • Once registered, your email address will serve as both your username AND password for logging into the FTP site. Email addresses are converted to lower case when registering, so please enter your username and password in lowercase as well.
  2. Accessing Research GPM / TRMM Data Using HTTPS (web browser)

  3. Layout of the Arthurhou server directory structure

    • /gpmdata contains the latest version of available data products. 

      Directories are laid out as:

      /gpmdata/documents ****!!!! Please review the contents of this directory. It contains important data notices and caveats !!!!****
      /gpmdata/geolocation  contains geolocation related files
      /gpmdata/coincidence contains satellite-ground coincidence information
      /gpmdata/browse contains PNG browse images of products.

      Data products exist under:

        base/reg  - 1B base radiometer products
        1B    - 1B radiometer products for GPMcore and all partners
        1C    - 1C radiometer products for GPMcore and all partners
        radar - L2 and L3 products from DPR and Combined
        gprof - L2 and L3 products from GPROF for GPMcore and all partners
        imerg - IMERG products

  4. Advanced Users: Accessing Research GPM / TRMM Data With an Automated Script (e.g. wget)

  5. Advanced Users: Accessing Research GPM / TRMM Data With FTPS

    • Due to NASA network policies the NASA Precipitation Processing System (PPS) has transitioned from FTP to FTPS for access to download GPM and TRMM data. Due to these changes users will no longer be able to access the PPS FTPS servers using a web browser, so users that prefer FTP to the above methods must now use either the command line or dedicated file transfer software.
    • One piece of software that can be used to connect to the new FTPS servers is Filezilla, which is free and open source, and is available on Mac, Windows, and Linux operative systems. Filezilla can be downloaded here: https://filezilla-project.org/
    • NASA does not explicitly endorse the use of any particular piece of software and cannot provide detailed technical support for this software, but these instructions are provided in case they are useful to the end user. 
    • Example Filezilla configuration
    • NOTE these directions are for the Near-realtime "JSimpson" server, but the same applies for "Arthurhou" - just change the URL to arthurhouftps.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov as appropriate
    • Open Filezilla
    • Go to "File" -> "Site Manager"
    • Click on "New Site" to set up a new connection to the PPS FTP server.
    • In the text box enter the name you would like to call this saved connection (i.e. "Jsimpson FTPS")
    • Leave "Protocol" set to the default ("FTP - File Transfer Protocol")
    • In "Host", enter "jsimpsonftps.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov"
    • Leave "Port" set to blank
    • In "Encryption" set to "Use explicit TLS over FTP if available"
    • Leave "Logon Type" set to "Normal"
    • In both the "User" and "Password" fields, enter the email address that you have registered with the PPS. If you have not yet registered with the PPS, please do so here: https://registration.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/registration/
    • Click "Connect" to connect to the server. You can then use this bookmark you have created in future sessions by going to "Site Manager", clicking on the site, and clicking "Connect" 

TRMM VIIRS Level 1B01 Calibrated Radiance Product

The TRMM Visible and Infrared Scanner (VIRS) Level 1B Calibrated Radiance Product (1B01) contains calibrated radiances and auxiliary geolocation information from the five channels of the VIRS instrument, for each pixel of each scan. The data are stored in the Hierarchical Data Format (HDF), which includes both core and product specific metadata applicable to the VIRS measurements. A file contains a single orbit of data with a file size of about 95 MB. The EOSDIS "swath" structure is used to accommodate the actual geophysical data arrays.