The Vertical Cross Section Display Program for GPM Validation Network Geometry-Matched PR and GV Data Sets

Goddard Space Flight Center
Document Description

The IDL procedure provides the capability to interactively select locations for, and display, vertical cross sections of PR and GV reflectivity from geometry-matched data produced by the GPM Validation Network prototype. These data are contained in a set of netCDF data files, one per “rainy” site overpass (a TRMM PR overpass of a GV radar site, with precipitation echoes present). By default, the procedure also displays a vertical cross section of the difference (PR-GV) between the PR and GV reflectivity from the geo-matched data. By default, the cross sections are along the PR cross-track scan line through the point selected by the user (i.e., perpendicular to the orbit track). Random cross section alignments are not supported.

The procedure has a feature allowing a calibration offset to be applied to the GV reflectivity data. If a GV site or GV data for a particular event is known to have an error in calibration relative to the PR, the calibration of the GV reflectivity data may be adjusted up or down in 1 dBZ increments on the currently displayed cross sections, so that the relative vertical structures of the PR and GV reflectivity fields can be evaluated with the calibration bias removed.

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