
PPS is Releasing Version 05 GPM IMERG Final Products on Monday November 13, 2017

Starting on Monday November 13, 2017, PPS will generate Version 05 GPM IMERG Final products. The V05 IMERG Final products will be available both in STORM: https://storm.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/storm/ and on "arthurhou": ftp://arthurhou.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/ NASA requires that science users register at: https://registration.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/registration/ to access PPS data services. PPS will reprocess the V05 IMERG Final products back to data date March 12, 2014. All users are encouraged to retrieve the V05 IMERG Final products to ensure that they use the most recent products. The V04 IMERG

GPM V05 Data Announcement and IMERG

The Precipitation Processing System has begun the transition to GPM Version 5 products. The satellite observations made in April 2017 will be the last observations to be included in Version 4 of the GPM data products, with one exception. Starting with observations made in May 2017, PPS will generate Version 5 GPM data products, again with one exception. The exception in both cases is that the PPS Realtime system will continue to generate the Version 4 Early and Late IMERG data products. Version 4 data products have been removed from the STORM data ordering system ( https://storm.pps.eosdis