Photo of Chuntao Liu

Chuntao Liu

Affiliation: Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi,  Corpus Christi, Texas, USA

Project Mentees: Eva YamamotoJune Choi; Nimisha Wagle

2022 GPM Mentorship Program

Chuntao Liu


Name: Chuntao Liu

Affiliation: Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi,  Corpus Christi, Texas, USA

Project Mentees: Eva YamamotoJune Choi; Nimisha Wagle

Why are you participating in this program as a mentor?

It is very important for the community to understand the usefulness and limitations of GPM observations and applications.  I hope that my background on the remote sensing and experiences of precipitation retrievals could help clarify some common misunderstandings in the GPM observations and retrievals.

What is your area of expertise and how does GPM fit into your research?  

My area of expertise focuses on convection, lightning, precipitation, radar and passive microwave remote sensing. I work to understand more about severe weather, global atmospheric electric circuit, and global deep convection transport into the lower stratosphere.

What is a challenge you often notice by users with using remote sensing data? Any advice to overcome this challenge?

One of the challenges in utilizing remote sensing data is related to the temporal and spatial resolution and geometry of sampling and sensitivity of each instrument. Without a good understanding of these backgrounds, it is difficult to know the pros and cons, and give a reasonable interpretation of the data product.

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