
Extreme Precipitation Measured From Space

For over a week the weather over the continental United State's has been punctuated by extreme events. Automobiles were thrown around on January 27, 2016 by tornadoes that hit southern Florida. On January 31 a winter storm with heavy rain, strong winds and isolated thunderstorms hit southern California killing at least one person. There were numerous reports of hail with these storms ranging from pea sized to up to an inch in diameter. Powerful winds with these storms also brought down trees and power lines. A blizzard that followed the Democratic and Republican caucuses in Iowa dropped over

GPM Sees Nor'easter Dump Snow on New England

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At 5:05 p.m. EST Monday, Jan. 26, 2015, the Global Precipitation Measurement mission's Core Observatory flew over the Nor'easter that dumped snow on New England. This satellite image shows the rate of rainfall, with low amounts in green and high in red, and snowfall, in blue to purple. The center of the storm, shown in 3-D, was offshore with far reaching bands of snowfall. More intense snow rates are shown in darker blue, which can be seen on the northern edge of the storm.

TRMM Sees Intensifying Winter Storm

At 1257 UTC (7:57 AM EST) this morning the TRMM satellite passed above a rapidly deepening low pressure center over coastal North Carolina. TRMM already saw stormy weather with this low when it was forming yesterday along the Gulf coast. Another area of low pressure moving from the Mid-West is predicted to merge with this storm and result in extreme blizzard conditions over the North-East. Near hurricane force winds and snowfall depths of over 610mm (~24 inches) are predicted in some areas from New York to Boston. An analysis of rainfall from TRMM's Microwave Imager (TMI) and Precipitation

2013 New England Blizzard

As accurately predicted by the National Weather Service, a blizzard dropped extreme amounts of snow over the North-East beginning on February 8, 2013. An amazing snow depth of 38 inches (~965 mm) was reported in Milford, Connecticut. The blizzard was reportedly the cause of at least 14 deaths in the United States and Canada. The TRMM-based, near-real time Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center is used to estimate precipitation for much of the globe. TMPA (liquid) precipitation totals (mm) are shown for the week from February 4-10 when the blizzard