heavy rainfall

Extreme Florida Rainfall Examined With GPM

Extremely heavy rain has recently fallen over Florida. Over 19 inches (482 mm) of rain has fallen in southeastern Florida during the past seven days. Record rainfall has been reported in Fort Lauderdale and West Palm. This extreme rainfall has led to flooding and flight cancellations. The GPM core observatory satellite flew above southern Florida on Wednesday June 7, 2017 at 6:06 AM EDT ( 1006 UTC). Data collected by GPM's Microwave Imager (GMI) and Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) instruments revealed the intensity of rainfall within powerful storms that were drenching southern

IMERG Shows Heavy Rainfall From Southwest India To Northeast India

In the past couple weeks rainfall has had a significant impact on Sri Lanka, southwestern India, Bangladesh and eastern India. Monsoon rainfall caused widespread flooding, devastating mudslides and displacements of many thousands of people in Sri Lanka. Over 200 people's deaths have now been attributed to this disaster. Then cyclone Mora formed in the Bay Of Bengal on May 27, 2017. Heavy rain from Mora and it's remnants moved over southeastern Bangladesh and northeastern India. Monsoon rainfall also started to move into southern India. This rainfall analysis was derived from NASA's Integrated

IMERG Sees Record Australia Rainfall

Over the past week extreme rainfall has drenched northeastern Australia. This is the heaviest rainfall in that area since tropical cyclone Debbie hit Queensland Australia in late March. Much of the recent extremely heavy rainfall was due to storms associated with a trough of low pressure slowly moving over northeastern Queensland from the Coral Sea. More than 100mm (3.9 inches) of rain in 24 hours was reported near Townsville in northern Queensland. A trough of low pressure moving eastward from central Australia has also been encroaching into western Queensland. This analysis of rainfall over

Heavy Rainfall In The Caribbean Measured By IMERG

Heavy rainfall has recently caused widespread flooding and landslides in Jamaica. Occasional showers from trade winds are normal in Jamaica but recent rainfall from slow moving troughs have been unusually heavy. A 1009 mb low pressure center located in the western Caribbean was disrupting the normal trade winds over Jamaica today. This rainfall analysis was constructed using data from NASA's Integrated Multi-satelliE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG). Data collected in near-real time were utilized in IMERG's rainfall accumulation estimates for the Caribbean. This analysis covers the period from May

New Zealand's Extreme Rainfall Examined With IMERG

Two extra-tropical cyclones recently dropped very heavy rain over New Zealand. Tropical cyclone Debbie dumped extreme amounts of rain over the northeastern coast of Australia when it hit the Queensland coast on March 28, 2017. After drenching northeastern Australia Extra-tropical Cyclone Debbie transported a river of water over New Zealand last week. Debbie's remnants dropped heavy rainfall that caused widespread flooding near the Bay of Plenty on New Zealand's northeastern coast. Thousands of residents needed to be evacuated with extra-tropical cyclone Debbie. This week extra-tropical cyclone

Texas' Heavy Rain Measured By IMERG

Over the past few days a slow moving frontal system moving through the Southwest produced heavy rain resulting in flooding and mudslides over central Texas. One person was reported swept away by flood water near Fort Hood Texas. NASA's Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) data were used to provide an estimate of rainfall accumulation over Texas. From April 10-12, 2017 IMERG estimates indicate that over 8 inches (203 mm) of rain fell in the area from central Texas through northern Louisiana.

Deadly Flooding Rains Near Mocoa, Colombia Measured By IMERG

Late Friday night and Saturday morning flash flooding and mudslides killed over 250 people in Mocoa, Colombia. Extremely intense storms added heavy rain to water logged terrain around Mocoa. Water from this heavy rainfall converged into a river that runs close to Mocoa causing it to overflow it's banks with deadly results. Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals (IMERG) data were used to estimate the amount of rain that fell near Mocoa, Colombia during the seven day period from March 26 to April 2, 2017. IMERG indicates that area rainfall totals during the week were frequently greater than 80 mm
GPM Measures Tropical Cyclone Debbie
Tropical cyclone Debbie formed in the Coral Sea northeast of Australia om March 24, 2017. Debbie intensified and had hurricane force wind speeds within a day of formation. While headed toward northeastern Australia Debbie reached it's maximum sustained wind speeds estimated at over 100 kts (115 mph) on March 27, 2017 (UTC). Tropical cyclone Debbie came ashore on March 28th and brought destructive winds and extremely heavy rain to northeastern Australia. It was reported that heavy rainfall caused flash flooding that cut off a coastal town and covered several roads in Queensland. The GPM...
Peru's Deadly Rainfall Examined With NASA's GPM Data JacobAdmin Thu, 03/23/2017
This year unusually heavy rainfall has caused extensive flooding and loss of life in Peru. Extreme flooding and frequent landslides that occurred this month have forced many from their homes. An El Niño like condition with warm ocean waters developed near Peru's coast. This extremely warm water off Peru's western coast has been blamed for promoting the development of these storms. Equatorial sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are about average elsewhere in the central and east central Pacific. This image shows the locations of storms that were dropping heavy rainfall over northwestern Peru when

GPM Looks at Rainfall in Remnants of Songda Over Pacific NW

The Global Precipitation Measurement mission or GPM core satellite saw heavy rain with rates of around 50 mm/hr (~2 inches/hr shown in dark red) in the front that absorbed the remnants of former northwestern Pacific Ocean Typhoon Songda. These images were created from data taken on Saturday, Oct. 15 as the front was affecting the U.S. Pacific Northwest. The rain is depicted in red and green areas, indicating heavy, moderate and light rain, respectively. Images produced by Jacob Reed (Telophase/NASA GSFC) and caption by Rob Gutro (GSFC)