Deadly Southern Asia Flooding Rainfall Measured By NASA's IMERG

Deaths of over 250 people have resulted from extremely heavy monsoon rainfall in parts of northern India, Bangladesh and Nepal. The death toll from flooding and landslides is expected to continue increasing. Heavy monsoon rainfall is normal in southern Asia this time of year but precipitation totals this year are higher than expected. Recent heavy rainfall is also causing the Brahmaputra and Ganges Rivers rivers to continue rising. This rainfall analysis over southern Asia was created using IMERG real time data covering the period from August 10-16, 2017. Total rainfall IMERG estimates of over

NASA's IMERG Shows Cindy's Extreme Rainfall

Tropical storm Cindy was downgraded to a tropical depression after moving onshore near the Texas and Louisiana Border on Thursday June 22, 2017. Flooding was reported along the the Gulf Coast even before Cindy made landfall. The rainfall around tropical storm Cindy was asymmetrical. The majority of heavy rainfall with the tropical cyclone was located east of Cindy's center in the states along the Gulf Coast from Louisiana through the Florida Panhandle. The tropical depression continued to spread heavy rain and occasionally severe thunderstorms after it came ashore. Severe thunderstorms spawned

V04A IMERG Early GIS friendly products now available

PPS has completed the production of the GIS-friendly TIF/TFW products created from the IMERG Early dataset. These products include running accumulations at 3hr and 1day. The Early TIF/TFW GIS-friendly products have been created back to the beginning of the mission: March 2014. They can be found on jsimpson server in the directories: /NRTPUB/imerg/gis/early/YYYY/MM Documentation for the TIF/TFW products is contained in the document README.GIS.pdf in /NRTPUB/imerg/gis.

Bangladesh's Heavy Rainfall Examined With IMERG

At least 156 people in Bangladesh were killed during the past week by landslides and floods caused by heavy rainfall. Monsoon rainfall has been especially heavy over this area that includes southeastern Bangladesh, northeastern India and western Burma (Myanmar). This disaster follows quickly on the heels of deadly cyclone Mora which hit the same area a couple weeks ago. This rainfall analysis was made at Goddard Space Flight Center using NASA's near-real time Integrated Multi-satelliE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) data. Those IMERG data were assembled during the period from June 12-14, 2017. The
IMERG Shows Heavy Rainfall From Southwest India To Northeast India JacobAdmin Fri, 06/02/2017
In the past couple weeks rainfall has had a significant impact on Sri Lanka, southwestern India, Bangladesh and eastern India. Monsoon rainfall caused widespread flooding, devastating mudslides and displacements of many thousands of people in Sri Lanka. Over 200 people's deaths have now been attributed to this disaster. Then cyclone Mora formed in the Bay Of Bengal on May 27, 2017. Heavy rain from Mora and it's remnants moved over southeastern Bangladesh and northeastern India. Monsoon rainfall also started to move into southern India. This rainfall analysis was derived from NASA's Integrated

Status of IMERG v04 Products

In an effort to keep users informed, below is the current status of the IMERG V04 products. Summary 1. As of 02:20 UTC on 9 May 2017, IMERG Early and Late are running in V04 with backward compatibility adjustments to V05 inputs. 2. From that point to about 11:30 UTC on 12 May 2017, there are long, thin streaks of artifacts in IMERG Early and Late due to GPROF-ATMS. 3. From that point to about 15:00 UTC on 30 May 2017, there are unrealistically large areas of light rain in moist tropical ocean areas in IMERG Early and Late due to GPROF-ATMS and GPROF-MHS. Thereafter, the content of microwave

Heavy Rainfall Induced Landslide Observed By IMERG

More than 90 people have been reported killed and over 100 missing due to a landslide in the village of Bellana, in the Kalutara district of Sri Lanka. Heavy monsoon rainfall over the past few days caused the disaster. Heavy rainfall is shown over the southwestern Bay Of Bengal in this analysis of rainfall accumulation using NASA's Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) data. This IMERG analysis included the period from May 23 to early May 26, 2017. The maximum IMERG rainfall accumulation estimates in this area were shown in the Bay Of Bengal to the northeast of Sri Lanka where

IMERG Sees Record Australia Rainfall

Over the past week extreme rainfall has drenched northeastern Australia. This is the heaviest rainfall in that area since tropical cyclone Debbie hit Queensland Australia in late March. Much of the recent extremely heavy rainfall was due to storms associated with a trough of low pressure slowly moving over northeastern Queensland from the Coral Sea. More than 100mm (3.9 inches) of rain in 24 hours was reported near Townsville in northern Queensland. A trough of low pressure moving eastward from central Australia has also been encroaching into western Queensland. This analysis of rainfall over
Heavy Rainfall In The Caribbean Measured By IMERG JacobAdmin Wed, 05/17/2017
Heavy rainfall has recently caused widespread flooding and landslides in Jamaica. Occasional showers from trade winds are normal in Jamaica but recent rainfall from slow moving troughs have been unusually heavy. A 1009 mb low pressure center located in the western Caribbean was disrupting the normal trade winds over Jamaica today. This rainfall analysis was constructed using data from NASA's Integrated Multi-satelliE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG). Data collected in near-real time were utilized in IMERG's rainfall accumulation estimates for the Caribbean. This analysis covers the period from May

V04 Reprocessed Early and Late IMERG products

The GPM project has reprocessed all the original NRT IMERG data both EARLY and LATE to product version V04A. In addition, this reprocessing brought the IMERG dataset back to the beginning of the GPM mission in March 2014. The original NRT IMERG started its processing in March of 2015. Currently only the HDF5 products have been reprocessed to V04A. The TIFF/TFW versions will also be reprocessed but this will take a while longer. The V04 products are located in the directories early/YYYYMM and late/YYYYMM respectively. A subdirectory V03 has been created within those directories and the V03 data