level 2

Announcement of Swath-Based Analysis Tool

The STORM Swath-Based Analysis Tool ( https://storm.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/storm/Analysis.jsp) is a better way to explore and order targeted Level 2 data. Select one or more instruments from a list going back to the beginning of the TRMM mission, provide a date range, and input a geographic region of interest. Once you hit "Get Granules for Chart," a graph will appear and data points will begin to display. These points represent the mean precipitation rate value for all of the pixels for that orbit of that instrument over that geographic region. Once the graph loading is paused or complete

TRMM Level 2-Level 3 GPROF Processing Announcement

With the completion of the TRMM era GPM constellation version 8 level 1 processing, PPS will start to process the TRMM era MHS, SSMIS, AMSR2 and ATMS version 8 level 2 and level 3 GPROF products on Monday October 16, 2017. Similar to the TRMM version 8 level 1 constellation products, all level 2 and level 3 GPROF products will be produced as GPM version V05, all products are in HDF5 format, all product names will use the GPM file naming convention: https://pps.gsfc.nasa.gov/Documents/FileNamingConventionForPrecipitatio… and the produced data will appear both in STORM

PPS Releases Level 2-Level 3 GPROF MHS Version 04A Data

Level 2 and Level 3 GPROG MHS Version V04A products, starting from February 01, 2014 are in production and will be available to our registered users at: ftp://arthurhou.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/ This data can also be ordered through PPS's STORM https://storm-pps.gsfc.nasa.gov/storm/ To register with PPS to obtain data, please visit: https://registration.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/registration/ The DataType designation for these products are as follows: 2AGPROFMETOPAMHS 2AGPROFMETOPBMHS 2AGPROFNOAA18MHS 2AGPROFNOAA19MHS 3GPROFMETOPAMHS_DAY 3GPROFMETOPBMHS_DAY 3GPROFNOAA18MHS_DAY 3GPROFNOAA19MHS_DAY

Level 2 GPM Microwave Imager (GMI) Data Released

The Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission's Precipitation Processing System at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, has released the Level 2 GPM Microwave Imager (GMI) data to the public. The data set includes precipitation rates, which show how much rain and snowfall accumulate over a given time period. This Level 2 data set of falling rain and snow is computed from Level 1 brightness temperature observations from GMI, the basic measurement made by the instrument of naturally occurring energy radiated, in this case, by precipitation particles (raindrops or
Date Last Updated
May 15th, 2022
Document Description

This ATBD describes the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) passive microwave rainfall algorithm, which is a parametric algorithm used to serve all GPM constellation radiometers. The output parameters of the algorithm are enumerated in Table 1. It is based upon the concept that the GPM core satellite, with its Dual Frequency Radar (DPR) and GPM Microwave Imager (GMI), will be used to build a consistent a-priori database of cloud and precipitation profiles to help constrain possible solutions from the constellation radiometers.

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Date Last Updated
December 17th, 2021
Document Description

This document describes the basic idea of DPR data processing. It was originally written for the algorithm used in the at-launch version (V03). The algorithm has been modified and improved since then. Although the basic idea of data processing remains the same, the actual flow of processing, in particular that in the solver module, has changed substantially. As a result, some part of description in Section 3.1 may not be relevant any more.

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