Temporary delay of GPM NRT Data on December 7, 2020

The Precipitation Processing System is planning to migrate the jsimpson.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov (which includes jsimpsonftps.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov) to the CentOS 8 operating system. This update will mean that GPM near real-time (NRT) data will not be available to users during the period of the update. The action is planned for Monday, 7 December 2020. We intend starting at 14 UTC (09:00 EST). We hope the outage will be between 3-5 hours. During this period no GPM NRT will be available. Some data will not be produced at the usual time during this period and will be behind normal latency. No data will

Update of PPS FTP service removal at GPM NRT

Effective 1 June 2020, ftp will no longer be available on the NRT server jsimpson.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov Effective that date the primary access method will be ftps. A number of different ways to use ftps are available: 1. Python 3 ftplib supports ftps 2. In Linux lftp is a ftps client 3. curl works with ftps 4. wget works with ftps 5. Packages are available for Windows You will need to have your system administrators open ports 64000-65000 in order for you ftps connection to jsimpsonftps.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov to work. If your attempt fails (hangs), it is likely that these ports are not available

DPR Ka Radar Data Acquisition has been Restored

Following a reset of the DPR to Standby Mode that occurred on April 22, 2020, the DPR Ka radar data acquisition has been restored. PPS is releasing the DPR and downstream data for distribution from April 22, 2020 - April 30, 2020. There are continuing short data outages for the radar that are being investigated and corrective measures are scheduled to be applied on May 14, 2020. PPS will be releasing May 2020 data in stages with an expected return to normal data availability soon after the corrective measures are applied. For Level-1 and Level-2 products, users should check the dataQuality

TRMM era IMERG Completed & End of FTP at PPS

IMERG is now available back to June 2000 of the TRMM era. Both the 'early' and the 'late' products have been retrospectively processed. These products are available in the same location on the jsimpson.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov FTP server as the current GPM IMERG products: /NRTPUB/imerg/early/YYYYMM and /NRTPUB/imerg/late/YYYYMM. We are in the process of retrospectively processing the GIS-friendly versions and accumulations of these IMERG products. This is likely to be completed by the end of September 2019. **IMPORTANT** A very important item is that we have been directed to eliminate ftp to all

PPS Announcing Release of GPM L2-L3 CSH V06 Data Products

The Precipitation Processing System (PPS) has begun the TRMM and GPM Goddard Convective-Stratiform Heating (CSH) V06A level 2 and level 3 data reprocessing on, Monday October 21, 2019. This reprocessing will cover the whole life for TRMM and the period from the launch to current for GPM. The release notes (CHS V06) explaining the key changes from V05A and improvements implemented in the current V06A product will be available later this week and will be posted on the following PPS public web pages as soon as it's provided: https://pps.gsfc.nasa.gov/GPMprelimdocs.html https://pps.gsfc.nasa.gov

TKIO announcement - PPS Announcing a New tkio- 3.80.44 Release

PPS is releasing version 3.80.44 build of the PPS TKIO toolkit using the 14.0.1 Fortran compiler for GPM. As detailed in our earlier announcement that you received on Thursday, June 28th, 2018, titled; "PPS is Reprocessing TRMM PR Data as TRMM GPM, Version 06A HDF5 products in Early July 2018" This is the version of the PPS I/O Toolkit that will be used for these radar products. The release notes are in this directory and are also attached to this Email: ftp://gpmweb2.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/pub/PPStoolkit/GPM/tkio-3.80.44/ The tar file can be found at: ftp://gpmweb2.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/pub

PPS is Reprocessing TRMM PR Data as TRMM GPM, Version 06A HDF5 products in Early July 2018

The TRMM Version 7 Precipitation Radar (PR) products will be superseded by new GPM era products with a reprocessing that will generate TRMM retrievals from the beginning of the TRMM mission to the end of data collection using a single frequency retrieval algorithm similar to that used for GPM Ku. This reprocessing will begin in early July, 2018. Retrievals previously available in the TRMM Version 7 products 2A21, 2A23, 2A25, and 3A25 will be available in the new 2APR and 3PR products. Note that these new GPM era products are in HDF5 format and similar in structure to those used for GPM DPR

PPS Systems Downtime - Sunday June 17, 2018 - Planned GPM servers upgrade

On Sunday June 17, 2018 PPS System Programmers and staff will be performing an important scheduled GPM archive server upgrade. Due to this upgrade process, most PPS systems and services will be unavailable for most or all of that day starting at 9:00 AM (EDT) and lasting until late afternoon or longer depending upon the upgrade circumstances. -It is important to note that GPM (NRT) near realtime services (SDPS and ftp://jsimpson.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/) will remain available and unaffected during this period. -PPS's Aeolus server ( ftp://aeolus.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/) will only provide near real

Replacement GPM Ka/Ku L1B products (2018-05-18) for orbit 23969

PPS received replacement GPM Ka/Ku L1B products from JAXA and will reprocess the affected data including Level 2 and 3 data. If you have already obtained products with orbit#23969 from our archive or through a standing order, etc., please discard and use the replacement products. PPS has replaced the following GPM Ka/Ku L1B data: GPMCOR_KUR_1805180849_1022_023969_1BS_DUB_05A.h5 GPMCOR_KAR_1805180849_1022_023969_1BS_DAB_05A.h5 PPS will reprocess the following L2-3 downstream products: 2AKa 2A.GPM.Ka.V7-20170308.20180518-S084951-E102226.023969.V05A.HDF5 2AKu 2A.GPM.Ku.V7-20170308.20180518

Announcement of Swath-Based Analysis Tool

The STORM Swath-Based Analysis Tool ( https://storm.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/storm/Analysis.jsp) is a better way to explore and order targeted Level 2 data. Select one or more instruments from a list going back to the beginning of the TRMM mission, provide a date range, and input a geographic region of interest. Once you hit "Get Granules for Chart," a graph will appear and data points will begin to display. These points represent the mean precipitation rate value for all of the pixels for that orbit of that instrument over that geographic region. Once the graph loading is paused or complete