TRMM-era Constellation Level 2-Level 3 V05 Product release

With the evaluation and approval, PPS will start to process the TRMM era AMSRE, AMSUB and SSMI level 2 and level 3 GPROF products on Wednesday, February 7, 2018. Similar to the early released TRMM era MHS, SSMIS, AMSR2 and ATMS level 2 and level 3 products, all level 2 and level 3 GPROF products will be produced as GPM version V05, all products are in HDF5 format, all product names will use the GPM naming convention and the produced data will appear both in STORM: https://storm.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/storm/ and on "arthurhou": ftp://arthurhou.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/ after these are produced. All

Replacement GPM Ka/Ku L1B products (2017-12-31) for orbit 21819-21821

PPS received replacement GPM Ka/Ku L1B (21819-21821) products from JAXA and will reprocess the affected data including Level 2 and 3 data. If you have already obtained products with orbit# 21819-21821 from our archive or through a standing order, etc., please discard and use the replacement products. PPS has replaced the following GPM Ka/Ku L1B data: GPMCOR_KUR_1712310333_0505_021819_1BS_DUB_05A.h5 GPMCOR_KAR_1712310333_0505_021819_1BS_DAB_05A.h5 GPMCOR_KUR_1712310505_0638_021820_1BS_DUB_05A.h5 GPMCOR_KAR_1712310505_0638_021820_1BS_DAB_05A.h5 GPMCOR_KUR_1712310638_0810_021821_1BS_DUB_05A.h5

Replacement GPM Ka/Ku L1B products (2017-11-28) for Orbit 21313

PPS received replacement GPM Ka/Ku L1B products from JAXA and will reprocess the affected data including Level 2 and 3 data. If you have already obtained products with orbit# 21313 from our archive or through a standing order, etc., please discard and use the replacement products. PPS has replaced the following GPM Ka/Ku L1B data: GPMCOR_KUR_1711281456_1629_021313_1BS_DUB_05A.h5 GPMCOR_KAR_1711281456_1629_021313_1BS_DAB_05A.h5 PPS will reprocess the following L2-3 downstream products: 2ADPR 2A.GPM.DPR.V7-20170308.20171128-S145653-E162926.021313.V05A.HDF5 2AKa 2A.GPM.Ka.V7-20170308.20171128

1 Dec 2017 installation of IMERG V05B

On 1 December 2017 sometime between 07:00 UTC and 12:00 UTC, PPS will begin installing V05B algorithms for the near realtime (NRT) IMERG dataset. If no problems arise, the installation should take approximately 4 hours. During this period IMERG products will be unavailable. While this is the first V05 IMERG available from NRT, we are making the data product version V05B so that both the early and the late product will be consistent with the version of the final product which is at V05B. To avoid unnecessary emails, PPS will not send out an email when the V05 installation is complete. Users

PPS is Releasing Version 05 GPM IMERG Final Products on Monday November 13, 2017

Starting on Monday November 13, 2017, PPS will generate Version 05 GPM IMERG Final products. The V05 IMERG Final products will be available both in STORM: https://storm.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/storm/ and on "arthurhou": ftp://arthurhou.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/ NASA requires that science users register at: https://registration.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/registration/ to access PPS data services. PPS will reprocess the V05 IMERG Final products back to data date March 12, 2014. All users are encouraged to retrieve the V05 IMERG Final products to ensure that they use the most recent products. The V04 IMERG

Replacement GPM Ka/Ku L1B products (2017-09-29) for orbit 20378-20379

PPS received replacement GPM Ka L1B (20378) and Ka/Ku L1B (20379) products from JAXA and will reprocess the affected data including Level 2 and 3 data. If you have already obtained products with orbit# 20378-20379 from our archive or through a standing order, etc., please discard and use the replacement products. PPS has replaced the following GPM Ka/Ku L1B data with empty granules: GPMCOR_KAR_1709291217_1349_020378_1BS_DAB_05A.h5 GPMCOR_KAR_1709291349_1522_020379_1BS_DAB_05A.h5 GPMCOR_KUR_1709291349_1522_020379_1BS_DUB_05A.h5 PPS has reprocessed the affected L2-3 downstream products. If you

TRMM Level 2-Level 3 GPROF Processing Announcement

With the completion of the TRMM era GPM constellation version 8 level 1 processing, PPS will start to process the TRMM era MHS, SSMIS, AMSR2 and ATMS version 8 level 2 and level 3 GPROF products on Monday October 16, 2017. Similar to the TRMM version 8 level 1 constellation products, all level 2 and level 3 GPROF products will be produced as GPM version V05, all products are in HDF5 format, all product names will use the GPM file naming convention: https://pps.gsfc.nasa.gov/Documents/FileNamingConventionForPrecipitatio… and the produced data will appear both in STORM

Replacement GPM Ka/Ku L1B products (2017-10-11) for orbit 20566

PPS received replacement GPM Ka/Ku L1B products from JAXA and will reprocess the affected data including Level 2 and 3 data. If you have already obtained products with orbit# 20566 from our archive or through a standing order, etc., please discard and use the replacement products. PPS has replaced the following GPM Ka/Ku L1B data: GPMCOR_KAR_1710111422_1555_020566_1BS_DAB_05A.h5 GPMCOR_KUR_1710111422_1555_020566_1BS_DUB_05A.h5 PPS will reprocess the affected downstream L2/L3 products shortly. 2AKa 2A.GPM.Ka.V7-20170308.20171011-S142252-E155525.020566.V05A.HDF5 2AKu 2A.GPM.Ku.V7-20170308

TRMM Version 8 Level 1 Reprocessing Will Start Monday Oct. 02, 2017

PPS will start the TRMM version 8 level 1 processing on Monday October 2, 2017. All products will be produced as GPM version V05. All the TRMM products are in HDF5 format with internal compression (same as the current GPM products), and will be produced using the PPS Toolkit (TKIO) version 3.80.29. The TRMM product names will be changing using the GPM naming conventions. The GPM naming convention document can be found at: https://pps.gsfc.nasa.gov/Documents/FileNamingConventionForPrecipitatio…. TRMM version 8 level 1 products have new identifiers, 1ATMI, 1BTMI, 1AVIRS

Replacement GPM Ka/Ku L1B products (2017-07-29) for orbit 19406

PPS received new GPM Ka/Ku L1B products from JAXA and reprocessed the affected data including Level 2 and 3 daily products from 2017-07-29 00:34:47 -> 2017-07-29 02:07:20. If you have obtained any of these files from our archive or through a Standing Order, etc., please discard these and use the replacement products. The following files and corresponding browse products will be replaced GPMCOR_KAR_1707290034_0207_019406_1BS_DAB_05A.h5 GPMCOR_KUR_1707290034_0207_019406_1BS_DUB_05A.h5 2A.GPM.Ka.V7-20170308.20170729-S003447-E020720.019406.V05A.HDF5 2A.GPM.Ku.V7-20170308.20170729-S003447-E020720