PPS Announces Level 2 GPM Precipitation Retrieval and Profiling Scheme (PRPS) Data Product for SAPHIR
The Level 2 GPM Precipitation Retrieval and Profiling Scheme (PRPS) product for SAPHIR on the Megha-Tropiques satellite are available both in STORM: https://storm.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/storm/ and on "arthurhou": ftp://arthurhou.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/ The SAPHIR PRPS products have been processed back to data date October 13, 2011. NASA requires users to register at: https://registration.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/registration/ to access PPS data services. The Level 2 PRPS product is a new member of the GPM Level 2 product family. It is intended to exploit the capabilities of the passive microwave sounding