Update of PPS FTP service removal at GPM NRT

Effective 1 June 2020, ftp will no longer be available on the NRT server jsimpson.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov Effective that date the primary access method will be ftps. A number of different ways to use ftps are available: 1. Python 3 ftplib supports ftps 2. In Linux lftp is a ftps client 3. curl works with ftps 4. wget works with ftps 5. Packages are available for Windows You will need to have your system administrators open ports 64000-65000 in order for you ftps connection to jsimpsonftps.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov to work. If your attempt fails (hangs), it is likely that these ports are not available

TRMM era IMERG Completed & End of FTP at PPS

IMERG is now available back to June 2000 of the TRMM era. Both the 'early' and the 'late' products have been retrospectively processed. These products are available in the same location on the jsimpson.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov FTP server as the current GPM IMERG products: /NRTPUB/imerg/early/YYYYMM and /NRTPUB/imerg/late/YYYYMM. We are in the process of retrospectively processing the GIS-friendly versions and accumulations of these IMERG products. This is likely to be completed by the end of September 2019. **IMPORTANT** A very important item is that we have been directed to eliminate ftp to all

PPS Down for Maintenance Tuesday September 20, 2016

The PPS (Precipitation Processing System) will be down today, September 20,2016 from 8:00am -2:00pm EDT (12:00 - 18:00 UTC). for scheduled maintenance. During this time all data transfers between PPS source and its consumer systems (GDAAC/DISC) as well as Science User services (FTP and STORM access) will be unavailable. You may contact PPS Operations at 301-614-5247 , 301-614-5184 or fax us at 301-614-5269 if there are any urgent matters requiring our immediate attention during this period. You will be informed when PPS systems become available. We apologize for any inconvenience this may

PPS Down for Extended Maintenance, Sunday September 18, 2016

The PPS (Precipitation Processing System) will be down Sunday September 18, 2016 -estimated time from 10:00am to 6:00pm EDT (14:00 - 22:00 UTC) for Special Unscheduled Maintenance. Please note: although it is unlikely, due to unforeseen events PPS systems might be down overnight and only be available starting Monday morning, September 19, 2016. During this time, all data transfers between PPS source and its consumer systems (GDAAC/DISC) as well as Science User services (FTP and STORM access) will be unavailable. You may e-mail “sysgods@mail.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov” if there are any urgent matters

PPS Down for Temporary Maintenance 6/7/16

The PPS (Precipitation Processing System) will be down today, June 07, 2016 from 8:00am -14:00pm EDT (12:00 - 18:00 UTC). for scheduled maintenance. During this time all data transfers between PPS source and its consumer systems (GDAAC/DISC) as well as Science User services (FTP and STORM access) will be unavailable. You will be informed when PPS systems become available. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

PPS Experiencing Temporary Service Outage

UPDATE 5/10/16 1:06pm EDT: Access to PPS systems and services have been restored. Thank you for your patience during this period. Please report any problems; and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. ----- The Precipitation Processing System (PPS) is currently experiencing a hardware problem which is impacting PPS data production, ftp archive access (arthurhou, trmmopen, etc.), and PPS web sites (STORM, THOR, etc.) today - Tuesday May 10,2016. Our system programmers are currently working on this problem and hope to restore services as soon as possible. We will

Intermittent PPS Network Outages From Fri Feb 19 - Mon Feb. 22, 2016

UPDATE 2/22/16: The network upgrades have finished and normal service has been restored. Due to scheduled external GSFC network upgrades, PPS will experience intermittent and unpredictable network outages during the period of Friday February 19, 2016 (starting 8:00PM EST-0100 UTC) through Monday February 22, 2016 (3:00 AM EST-0800 UTC). This work will impact access to the following PPS services: PPS ftp production data (arthurhou) PPS ftp NRT data-Near Realtime (jsimpson) PPS Public website: http://pps.gsfc.nasa.gov/ STORM: https://storm.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/ PMM website: http://pmm.nasa.gov

PPS Web Services Restored

PPS web services are now functioning normally. PPS has identified and fixed the previous production web server problem which caused the intermittent unavailability and/or slow response times experienced for the last few days. If you experience any further problems or inconsistencies with PPS web services including: ftp://arthurhou.pps.eosdis. nasa.gov ( GPM FTP data) http://pps. gsfc.nasa.gov (PPS home page) https://storm-pps.gsfc.nasa.gov (PPS STORM) http://registration.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov (PPS GPM registration) http://ceospc.gsfc.nasa.gov Once again, we sincerely appreciate everyone's